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public class TextUtils (Code)

Field Summary
final static  Position.Biasbackward
final static  Position.Biasforward

Constructor Summary
public  TextUtils()

Method Summary
final public static  voidchangeCaretPosition(TextKit textKit, int newPos, boolean isMovingCaret)
final public static  voidchangeCaretPosition(TextKit textKit, int newPos, boolean isMovingCaret, Position.Bias newBias)
final public static  voidcopy(TextKit textKit)
final public static  TransferablecreateTransferable(TextKit textKit)
final public static  voidcut(TextKit textKit)
final public static  intdrawComposedText(TextKit textKit, AttributedString text, Graphics g, int x, int y)
final public static  intdrawTabbedText(Segment s, int x, int y, Graphics g, TabExpander t, int pos)
final public static  voidexportDone(TextKit textKit, Transferable transferable, int action)
final public static  voidexportToClipboard(TextKit textKit, Clipboard clipboard, int action)
final static  intgetBidiVisualPosition(int start, int end, Element neighbouringElement, int pos, Position.Bias b0, Position.Bias[] biasRet, int length, boolean toWest, boolean isLTR)
final public static  RectanglegetBoundsByOffsets(TextKit tk, int p0, int p1)
final public static  intgetBreakLocation(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos)
public static  intgetCalendarField(JFormattedTextField textField)
public static  ComposedTextParamsgetComposedTextParams(TextKit tk)
public static  RectanglegetEditorRect(JComponent component)
final public static  ShapegetFieldViewAllocation(View v, TextFieldKit tfk, Shape shape, ComponentOrientation orientation)
public static  intgetHrzInsets(Insets insets)
public static  ObjectgetNextValue(Date value, int calendarField, Comparable<Date> end)
final public static  intgetNextVisualPositionFrom(TextKit textKit, View v, int pos, Position.Bias bias, Shape shape, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet)
final public static  intgetNextWord(Document doc, int pos)
final public static  ElementgetParagraphElement(Document doc, int p)
     If the component document is an instance of AbstractDocument then its AbstractDocument.getParagraphElement(int) method is called.
final public static  intgetPositionAbove(TextKit textKit, int p, int x)
     Finds row above, calculates modelToView for all the positions from this view and selects the closest one.
final public static  intgetPositionBelow(TextKit textKit, int p, int x)
     Finds row below, calculates modelToView for all the positions from this view and selects the closest one.
public static  ObjectgetPreviousValue(Date value, int calendarField, Comparable<Date> start)
final public static  intgetPreviousWord(Document doc, int pos)
final public static  intgetRowEnd(TextKit tk, int pos)
final public static  intgetRowStart(TextKit tk, int pos)
public static  intgetSourceActions(TextKit textKit)
final public static  ClipboardgetSystemClipboard()
final public static  intgetTabbedTextOffset(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos)
final public static  intgetTabbedTextOffset(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos, boolean round)
     If round equals false it needs that symbol is placed completely.
final public static  intgetTabbedTextWidth(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int x, TabExpander t, int pos)
final public static  TextFieldKitgetTextFieldKit(Component c)
final public static  TextKitgetTextKit(Component c)
public static  intgetVrtInsets(Insets insets)
final public static  intgetWordEnd(TextKit tk, int pos)
final public static  intgetWordStart(TextKit tk, int pos)
final public static  booleanimportData(TextKit textKit, Transferable t)
final public static  booleanisBidirectional(Document document)
final static  booleanisLTR(Element element)
final public static  booleanisLTR(int level)
public static  voidisPositionValid(View view, int pos)
     Throws BadLocationException if the position does not represent a valid location in the associated document element.
final static  booleanisRTL(int level)
public static  ShapemodelToIconOrComponentView(View view, int pos, Shape shape, Bias bias)
     Transforms position at the document model coordinate space to the coordinate space of the corresponding icon or component view.
public static  ShapepaintLayer(Graphics g, int p0, int p1, Shape shape, Color color, View view, boolean fill)
final public static  voidpaste(TextKit textKit)
public static  voidprocessIMEvent(InputMethodListener listener, InputMethodEvent e)
final public static  voidreadLock(Document document)
final public static  voidreadUnlock(Document document)
public static  RectanglescrollRectToVisible(Rectangle viewRect, Rectangle r)
public static  voidselectCalendarField(JFormattedTextField textField, int calendarField)
public static  voidsetCharacterAttributes(AttributeSet attr, boolean replace, JEditorPane editorPane, StyledDocument doc, MutableAttributeSet inputAttrs)
final public static  voidsetCurrentPositionAsMagic(TextKit textKit)
final public static  voidsetNativeCaretPosition(Rectangle rect, Component comp)
public static  voidsetParagraphAttributes(AttributeSet attr, boolean replace, JEditorPane editorPane, StyledDocument doc)

Field Detail
final static Position.Bias backward(Code)

final static Position.Bias forward(Code)

Constructor Detail
public TextUtils()(Code)

Method Detail
final public static void changeCaretPosition(TextKit textKit, int newPos, boolean isMovingCaret)(Code)
Sets new value to dot or mark of the given component caret depending on isMovingCaret value

final public static void changeCaretPosition(TextKit textKit, int newPos, boolean isMovingCaret, Position.Bias newBias)(Code)
Sets new value to dot or mark of the given component caret depending on isMovingCaret value

final public static void copy(TextKit textKit)(Code)

final public static Transferable createTransferable(TextKit textKit)(Code)

final public static void cut(TextKit textKit)(Code)

final public static int drawComposedText(TextKit textKit, AttributedString text, Graphics g, int x, int y)(Code)

final public static int drawTabbedText(Segment s, int x, int y, Graphics g, TabExpander t, int pos)(Code)

final public static void exportDone(TextKit textKit, Transferable transferable, int action)(Code)

final public static void exportToClipboard(TextKit textKit, Clipboard clipboard, int action)(Code)

final static int getBidiVisualPosition(int start, int end, Element neighbouringElement, int pos, Position.Bias b0, Position.Bias[] biasRet, int length, boolean toWest, boolean isLTR)(Code)

final public static Rectangle getBoundsByOffsets(TextKit tk, int p0, int p1)(Code)

final public static int getBreakLocation(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos)(Code)

public static int getCalendarField(JFormattedTextField textField)(Code)

public static ComposedTextParams getComposedTextParams(TextKit tk)(Code)

public static Rectangle getEditorRect(JComponent component)(Code)

final public static Shape getFieldViewAllocation(View v, TextFieldKit tfk, Shape shape, ComponentOrientation orientation)(Code)

public static int getHrzInsets(Insets insets)(Code)

public static Object getNextValue(Date value, int calendarField, Comparable<Date> end)(Code)

final public static int getNextVisualPositionFrom(TextKit textKit, View v, int pos, Position.Bias bias, Shape shape, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) throws BadLocationException(Code)

final public static int getNextWord(Document doc, int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code)

final public static Element getParagraphElement(Document doc, int p)(Code)
If the component document is an instance of AbstractDocument then its AbstractDocument.getParagraphElement(int) method is called. Otherwise Document.getDefaultRootElement is used to search paragraph element.

final public static int getPositionAbove(TextKit textKit, int p, int x) throws BadLocationException(Code)
Finds row above, calculates modelToView for all the positions from this view and selects the closest one.

final public static int getPositionBelow(TextKit textKit, int p, int x) throws BadLocationException(Code)
Finds row below, calculates modelToView for all the positions from this view and selects the closest one.

public static Object getPreviousValue(Date value, int calendarField, Comparable<Date> start)(Code)

final public static int getPreviousWord(Document doc, int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code)

final public static int getRowEnd(TextKit tk, int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code)

final public static int getRowStart(TextKit tk, int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code)

public static int getSourceActions(TextKit textKit)(Code)

final public static Clipboard getSystemClipboard()(Code)

final public static int getTabbedTextOffset(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos)(Code)

final public static int getTabbedTextOffset(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos, boolean round)(Code)
If round equals false it needs that symbol is placed completely. If round equals true it needs that more than half of the symbol is placed.

final public static int getTabbedTextWidth(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int x, TabExpander t, int pos)(Code)

final public static TextFieldKit getTextFieldKit(Component c)(Code)

final public static TextKit getTextKit(Component c)(Code)

public static int getVrtInsets(Insets insets)(Code)

final public static int getWordEnd(TextKit tk, int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code)

final public static int getWordStart(TextKit tk, int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code)

final public static boolean importData(TextKit textKit, Transferable t)(Code)

final public static boolean isBidirectional(Document document)(Code)

final static boolean isLTR(Element element)(Code)

final public static boolean isLTR(int level)(Code)

public static void isPositionValid(View view, int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code)
Throws BadLocationException if the position does not represent a valid location in the associated document element.

final static boolean isRTL(int level)(Code)

public static Shape modelToIconOrComponentView(View view, int pos, Shape shape, Bias bias) throws BadLocationException(Code)
Transforms position at the document model coordinate space to the coordinate space of the corresponding icon or component view.

public static Shape paintLayer(Graphics g, int p0, int p1, Shape shape, Color color, View view, boolean fill)(Code)

final public static void paste(TextKit textKit)(Code)

public static void processIMEvent(InputMethodListener listener, InputMethodEvent e)(Code)

final public static void readLock(Document document)(Code)

final public static void readUnlock(Document document)(Code)

public static Rectangle scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle viewRect, Rectangle r)(Code)

public static void selectCalendarField(JFormattedTextField textField, int calendarField)(Code)

public static void setCharacterAttributes(AttributeSet attr, boolean replace, JEditorPane editorPane, StyledDocument doc, MutableAttributeSet inputAttrs)(Code)

final public static void setCurrentPositionAsMagic(TextKit textKit)(Code)

final public static void setNativeCaretPosition(Rectangle rect, Component comp)(Code)

public static void setParagraphAttributes(AttributeSet attr, boolean replace, JEditorPane editorPane, StyledDocument doc)(Code)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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