| java.lang.Object org.apache.harmony.awt.text.TextUtils
TextUtils | public class TextUtils (Code) | | |
Method Summary | |
final public static void | changeCaretPosition(TextKit textKit, int newPos, boolean isMovingCaret) | final public static void | changeCaretPosition(TextKit textKit, int newPos, boolean isMovingCaret, Position.Bias newBias) | final public static void | copy(TextKit textKit) | final public static Transferable | createTransferable(TextKit textKit) | final public static void | cut(TextKit textKit) | final public static int | drawComposedText(TextKit textKit, AttributedString text, Graphics g, int x, int y) | final public static int | drawTabbedText(Segment s, int x, int y, Graphics g, TabExpander t, int pos) | final public static void | exportDone(TextKit textKit, Transferable transferable, int action) | final public static void | exportToClipboard(TextKit textKit, Clipboard clipboard, int action) | final static int | getBidiVisualPosition(int start, int end, Element neighbouringElement, int pos, Position.Bias b0, Position.Bias[] biasRet, int length, boolean toWest, boolean isLTR) | final public static Rectangle | getBoundsByOffsets(TextKit tk, int p0, int p1) | final public static int | getBreakLocation(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos) | public static int | getCalendarField(JFormattedTextField textField) | public static ComposedTextParams | getComposedTextParams(TextKit tk) | public static Rectangle | getEditorRect(JComponent component) | final public static Shape | getFieldViewAllocation(View v, TextFieldKit tfk, Shape shape, ComponentOrientation orientation) | public static int | getHrzInsets(Insets insets) | public static Object | getNextValue(Date value, int calendarField, Comparable<Date> end) | final public static int | getNextVisualPositionFrom(TextKit textKit, View v, int pos, Position.Bias bias, Shape shape, int direction, Position.Bias[] biasRet) | final public static int | getNextWord(Document doc, int pos) | final public static Element | getParagraphElement(Document doc, int p) If the component document is an instance of AbstractDocument then its
AbstractDocument.getParagraphElement(int) method is called. | final public static int | getPositionAbove(TextKit textKit, int p, int x) Finds row above, calculates modelToView for all the positions from this view
and selects the closest one. | final public static int | getPositionBelow(TextKit textKit, int p, int x) Finds row below, calculates modelToView for all the positions from this view
and selects the closest one. | public static Object | getPreviousValue(Date value, int calendarField, Comparable<Date> start) | final public static int | getPreviousWord(Document doc, int pos) | final public static int | getRowEnd(TextKit tk, int pos) | final public static int | getRowStart(TextKit tk, int pos) | public static int | getSourceActions(TextKit textKit) | final public static Clipboard | getSystemClipboard() | final public static int | getTabbedTextOffset(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos) | final public static int | getTabbedTextOffset(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos, boolean round) If round equals false it needs that symbol is placed completely. | final public static int | getTabbedTextWidth(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int x, TabExpander t, int pos) | final public static TextFieldKit | getTextFieldKit(Component c) | final public static TextKit | getTextKit(Component c) | public static int | getVrtInsets(Insets insets) | final public static int | getWordEnd(TextKit tk, int pos) | final public static int | getWordStart(TextKit tk, int pos) | final public static boolean | importData(TextKit textKit, Transferable t) | final public static boolean | isBidirectional(Document document) | final static boolean | isLTR(Element element) | final public static boolean | isLTR(int level) | public static void | isPositionValid(View view, int pos) Throws BadLocationException if the position does not represent a
valid location in the associated document element. | final static boolean | isRTL(int level) | public static Shape | modelToIconOrComponentView(View view, int pos, Shape shape, Bias bias) Transforms position at the document model coordinate space to the
coordinate space of the corresponding icon or component view. | public static Shape | paintLayer(Graphics g, int p0, int p1, Shape shape, Color color, View view, boolean fill) | final public static void | paste(TextKit textKit) | public static void | processIMEvent(InputMethodListener listener, InputMethodEvent e) | final public static void | readLock(Document document) | final public static void | readUnlock(Document document) | public static Rectangle | scrollRectToVisible(Rectangle viewRect, Rectangle r) | public static void | selectCalendarField(JFormattedTextField textField, int calendarField) | public static void | setCharacterAttributes(AttributeSet attr, boolean replace, JEditorPane editorPane, StyledDocument doc, MutableAttributeSet inputAttrs) | final public static void | setCurrentPositionAsMagic(TextKit textKit) | final public static void | setNativeCaretPosition(Rectangle rect, Component comp) | public static void | setParagraphAttributes(AttributeSet attr, boolean replace, JEditorPane editorPane, StyledDocument doc) |
TextUtils | public TextUtils()(Code) | | |
changeCaretPosition | final public static void changeCaretPosition(TextKit textKit, int newPos, boolean isMovingCaret)(Code) | | Sets new value to dot or mark of the given component caret
depending on isMovingCaret value
changeCaretPosition | final public static void changeCaretPosition(TextKit textKit, int newPos, boolean isMovingCaret, Position.Bias newBias)(Code) | | Sets new value to dot or mark of the given component caret
depending on isMovingCaret value
exportToClipboard | final public static void exportToClipboard(TextKit textKit, Clipboard clipboard, int action)(Code) | | |
getBidiVisualPosition | final static int getBidiVisualPosition(int start, int end, Element neighbouringElement, int pos, Position.Bias b0, Position.Bias[] biasRet, int length, boolean toWest, boolean isLTR)(Code) | | |
getHrzInsets | public static int getHrzInsets(Insets insets)(Code) | | |
getPositionAbove | final public static int getPositionAbove(TextKit textKit, int p, int x) throws BadLocationException(Code) | | Finds row above, calculates modelToView for all the positions from this view
and selects the closest one.
getPositionBelow | final public static int getPositionBelow(TextKit textKit, int p, int x) throws BadLocationException(Code) | | Finds row below, calculates modelToView for all the positions from this view
and selects the closest one.
getSourceActions | public static int getSourceActions(TextKit textKit)(Code) | | |
getTabbedTextOffset | final public static int getTabbedTextOffset(Segment s, FontMetrics fm, int start, int end, TabExpander t, int pos, boolean round)(Code) | | If round equals false it needs that symbol is placed completely. If
round equals true it needs that more than half of the symbol is placed.
getVrtInsets | public static int getVrtInsets(Insets insets)(Code) | | |
isBidirectional | final public static boolean isBidirectional(Document document)(Code) | | |
isLTR | final public static boolean isLTR(int level)(Code) | | |
isPositionValid | public static void isPositionValid(View view, int pos) throws BadLocationException(Code) | | Throws BadLocationException if the position does not represent a
valid location in the associated document element.
isRTL | final static boolean isRTL(int level)(Code) | | |
modelToIconOrComponentView | public static Shape modelToIconOrComponentView(View view, int pos, Shape shape, Bias bias) throws BadLocationException(Code) | | Transforms position at the document model coordinate space to the
coordinate space of the corresponding icon or component view.
readUnlock | final public static void readUnlock(Document document)(Code) | | |
setCurrentPositionAsMagic | final public static void setCurrentPositionAsMagic(TextKit textKit)(Code) | | |