| java.lang.Object org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.CreationParams
CreationParams | public class CreationParams (Code) | | This class describes cross-platform NativeWindow creation params
See also WindowFactory.createWindow
DECOR_TYPE_DIALOG | final public static int DECOR_TYPE_DIALOG(Code) | | The dialog window
DECOR_TYPE_FRAME | final public static int DECOR_TYPE_FRAME(Code) | | The top-level window that has all possible decorations,
has no owner and is displayed in taskbar
DECOR_TYPE_NONE | final public static int DECOR_TYPE_NONE(Code) | | Non-MDI child window
DECOR_TYPE_POPUP | final public static int DECOR_TYPE_POPUP(Code) | | The transient undecorated pop-up window
DECOR_TYPE_UNDECOR | final public static int DECOR_TYPE_UNDECOR(Code) | | The undecoraded pop-up window
MAXIMIZED | final public long MAXIMIZED(Code) | | Initial state is maximized both
horizontaly and verticaly
MAXIMIZED_HORIZ | final public long MAXIMIZED_HORIZ(Code) | | Initial state is maximized horizontaly
MAXIMIZED_VERT | final public long MAXIMIZED_VERT(Code) | | Initial state is maximized verticaly
child | public boolean child(Code) | | Window is child of parent, otherwise it's
toplevel(child of desktop) window owned by parent.
decorType | public int decorType(Code) | | The decoration type of the top-level window. The possible values are:
disabled | public boolean disabled(Code) | | Window is disabled.
h | public int h(Code) | | Initial height.
iconified | public boolean iconified(Code) | | Window initially iconified.
locationByPlatform | public boolean locationByPlatform(Code) | | Tells that window position should be determined by native windowing system
maximizedState | public int maximizedState(Code) | | Bitwise OR of MAXIMIZED_* constants.
Means if window is initially maximized.
name | public String name(Code) | | Name wich is displayed on titlebar, taskbar and visible
for system requests.
parentId | public long parentId(Code) | | Id of parent or owner window, see child field
For non-child window without owner equals 0.
resizable | public boolean resizable(Code) | | Window is resizable
topmost | public boolean topmost(Code) | | Window is ALWAYS topmost in Z order.
undecorated | public boolean undecorated(Code) | | The window has no decorations
visible | public boolean visible(Code) | | Initial visibility state.
w | public int w(Code) | | Initial width.
x | public int x(Code) | | Initial x.
y | public int y(Code) | | Initial y.