java.lang .Object org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.linux .LinuxWindow All known Subclasses: org.apache.harmony.awt.wtk.linux .ContentWindow ,MAX_WINDOW_HEIGHT final public static int MAX_WINDOW_HEIGHT (Code)
MAX_WINDOW_WIDTH final public static int MAX_WINDOW_WIDTH (Code)
MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT final public static int MIN_WINDOW_HEIGHT (Code)
MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH final public static int MIN_WINDOW_WIDTH (Code)
alwaysOnTop boolean alwaysOnTop (Code)
autoGrabActive static boolean autoGrabActive (Code)
manualGrabActive static boolean manualGrabActive (Code)
movedresized boolean movedresized (Code)
adjustedHeight final static int adjustedHeight(int height) (Code)
adjustedWidth final static int adjustedWidth(int width) (Code)
dispose public void dispose()(Code)
endAutoGrab static void endAutoGrab() (Code) Notify that all mouse buttons were released and automatic grab has to be ended.
If the manual ungrab was postponed, do it now.
getBounds public Rectangle getBounds()(Code) Query window size and position from X server
getCurrentState int getCurrentState() (Code)
getDisplay long getDisplay() (Code) display of the current window
getFrameID long getFrameID() (Code)
getId public long getId()(Code)
getMapState int getMapState() (Code)
getParentID long getParentID() (Code) actual native parent of a window(for a top-level this maybe a WM frame window)
getWindowRect Rectangle getWindowRect() (Code) saved requested window bounds
grabMouse public void grabMouse()(Code) Start manual mouse grab
isChild boolean isChild() (Code)
isFocusable public boolean isFocusable()(Code)
isIconified boolean isIconified() (Code)
isInputAllowed boolean isInputAllowed() (Code)
isMaximized boolean isMaximized() (Code)
isPacked boolean isPacked() (Code) Returns the packed flag.
isUndecorated boolean isUndecorated() (Code)
setBounds public void setBounds(int x, int y, int w, int h, int boundsMask)(Code)
setContentWindow void setContentWindow(ContentWindow contentWindow) (Code) Parameters: contentWindow - The contentWindow to set.
setEnabled public void setEnabled(boolean value)(Code)
setFocus public boolean setFocus(boolean focus)(Code)
setFocusable public void setFocusable(boolean value)(Code)
setIMStyle public void setIMStyle()(Code)
setIconified void setIconified(boolean iconified) (Code)
setInputAllowed void setInputAllowed(boolean value) (Code)
setMaximized void setMaximized(boolean maximized) (Code)
setResizable public void setResizable(boolean value)(Code)
setState public void setState(int state)(Code)
setVisible public void setVisible(boolean v)(Code)
startAutoGrab static boolean startAutoGrab(long winId, int x, int y) (Code) Notify that mouse button was pressed. If there was no manual grab
the automatic mouse grab is activated implicitly. Cancel manual grab
if it was active and mouse was clicked outside of application windows
Parameters: winId - - window that got the eventParameters: x - - x mouse position in window coordinatesParameters: y - - x mouse position in window coordinates false if explicit grab was canceled; true otherwise
toBack public void toBack()(Code)
toFront public void toFront()(Code)
ungrabMouse public void ungrabMouse()(Code) End manual mouse grab. If automatic grab is still active,
the ungrab is postponed until all mouse buttons are released.