Method Summary |
public Object | addToEnvironment(String propName, Object propValue) Add a new property to the environment. |
public void | bind(String arg0, Object arg1, Attributes arg2) This method is not supported. |
public void | bind(Name arg0, Object arg1, Attributes arg2) This method is not supported. |
public void | bind(String arg0, Object arg1) This method is not supported. |
public void | bind(Name arg0, Object arg1) This method is not supported. |
public Object | clone() Constructs the clone of this DNS context. |
public void | close() Frees all resources obtained by the current context. |
public String | composeName(String name, String prefix) Appends one name to another. |
public Name | composeName(Name name, Name prefix) Adds name to the end of prefix . |
public DirContext | createSubcontext(String arg0, Attributes arg1) This method is not supported. |
public DirContext | createSubcontext(Name arg0, Attributes arg1) This method is not supported. |
public Context | createSubcontext(String arg0) This method is not supported. |
public Context | createSubcontext(Name arg0) This method is not supported. |
public void | destroySubcontext(String arg0) This method is not supported. |
public void | destroySubcontext(Name arg0) This method is not supported. |
public boolean | equals(Object obj) Checks if the given object is equal to the current context. |
public Attributes | getAttributes(String name) Obtains all attributes associated with given name. |
public Attributes | getAttributes(Name name) Determines all attributes associated with given name. |
public Attributes | getAttributes(String name, String[] attrNames) Retrieves attributes associated with given name. |
public Attributes | getAttributes(Name name, String[] attrNames) Obtains attributes associated with the given name. |
public Hashtable, ?> | getEnvironment() Returns a clone of the environment associated with this context. |
public String | getNameInNamespace() |
public NameParser | getNameParser(String name) Returns the name parser for given name. |
public NameParser | getNameParser(Name name) Tries to look for the context associated with the given name and returns
the appropriate name parser. |
public DirContext | getSchema(String arg0) This method is not supported by the DNS provider. |
public DirContext | getSchema(Name arg0) This method is not supported. |
public DirContext | getSchemaClassDefinition(String arg0) This method is not supported. |
public DirContext | getSchemaClassDefinition(Name arg0) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> | list(String name) Lists all names along with corresponding class names contained by given
context. |
public NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> | list(Name name) Lists all names along with corresponding class names contained by given
context. |
public NamingEnumeration<Binding> | listBindings(String name) Lists all names along with corresponding objects contained by given
context. |
public NamingEnumeration<Binding> | listBindings(Name name) Lists all names along with corresponding objects contained by given
context. |
public Object | lookup(String name) Performs the lookup operation for given name. |
public Object | lookup(Name name) Performs the lookup operation for the given name in the current context. |
public Object | lookupLink(String name) Looks for a object associated with the given name. |
public Object | lookupLink(Name name) Looks for a object associated with the given name. |
public void | modifyAttributes(String arg0, int arg1, Attributes arg2) This method is not supported by the DNS provider. |
public void | modifyAttributes(Name arg0, int arg1, Attributes arg2) This method is not supported by the DNS provider. |
public void | modifyAttributes(String arg0, ModificationItem[] arg1) This method is not supported. |
public void | modifyAttributes(Name arg0, ModificationItem[] arg1) This method is not supported. |
public void | rebind(String arg0, Object arg1, Attributes arg2) This method is not supported. |
public void | rebind(Name arg0, Object arg1, Attributes arg2) This method is not supported. |
public void | rebind(String arg0, Object arg1) This method is not supported. |
public void | rebind(Name arg0, Object arg1) This method is not supported. |
public Object | removeFromEnvironment(String name) Removes the property with given name from the context's environment. |
public void | rename(String arg0, String arg1) This method is not supported. |
public void | rename(Name arg0, Name arg1) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> | search(String arg0, Attributes arg1) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> | search(Name arg0, Attributes arg1) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> | search(String arg0, Attributes arg1, String[] arg2) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> | search(Name arg0, Attributes arg1, String[] arg2) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> | search(String arg0, String arg1, SearchControls arg2) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> | search(Name arg0, String arg1, SearchControls arg2) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> | search(String arg0, String arg1, Object[] arg2, SearchControls arg3) This method is not supported. |
public NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> | search(Name arg0, String arg1, Object[] arg2, SearchControls arg3) This method is not supported. |
public void | unbind(String arg0) This method is not supported. |
public void | unbind(Name arg0) This method is not supported. |