java.lang .Object org.apache.harmony.jndi.provider.dns .ResolverCache ResolverCache class ResolverCache (Code) A cache for received resource records. Common for all active resolvers.
TODO handling of records with TTL set to 0; should not be cached.
Inner Class :static class CacheEntry
clear synchronized void clear() (Code) Removes all cached entries.
get synchronized Enumeration <ResourceRecord > get(QuestionRecord question) (Code) Looks through the cache and returns all suitable resource records
Parameters: question - a question record that determines which records we want to getfrom the cache Enumeration of found Resource Records.
getInstance static ResolverCache getInstance() (Code) ResolverCache
is a singleton class.
active instance of ResolverCache
put synchronized void put(ResourceRecord record) (Code) Puts element into the cache. Doesn't put records with zero TTLs. Doesn't
put records with bad TTLs.
Parameters: record - a resource record to insert