| |
| org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net.SocketTestCase org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net.MulticastSocketTest
Inner Class :static class MulticastServer extends Thread | |
atLeastOneInterface | boolean atLeastOneInterface(Code) | | |
atLeastTwoInterfaces | boolean atLeastTwoInterfaces(Code) | | |
server | MulticastServer server(Code) | | |
setUp | protected void setUp()(Code) | | Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. This method
is called before a test is executed.
tearDown | protected void tearDown()(Code) | | Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection. This
method is called after a test is executed.
test_ConstructorI | public void test_ConstructorI()(Code) | | |
test_ConstructorLjava_net_SocketAddress | public void test_ConstructorLjava_net_SocketAddress() throws Exception(Code) | | |
test_getLoopbackMode | public void test_getLoopbackMode()(Code) | | |
test_getTTL | public void test_getTTL()(Code) | | |
test_getTimeToLive | public void test_getTimeToLive()(Code) | | |
test_joinGroupLjava_net_InetAddress | public void test_joinGroupLjava_net_InetAddress() throws Exception(Code) | | |
test_leaveGroupLjava_net_InetAddress | public void test_leaveGroupLjava_net_InetAddress()(Code) | | |
test_leaveGroupLjava_net_SocketAddressLjava_net_NetworkInterface | public void test_leaveGroupLjava_net_SocketAddressLjava_net_NetworkInterface() throws Exception(Code) | | |
test_sendLjava_net_DatagramPacketB | public void test_sendLjava_net_DatagramPacketB()(Code) | | |
test_setInterfaceLjava_net_InetAddress | public void test_setInterfaceLjava_net_InetAddress()(Code) | | |
test_setLoopbackModeSendReceive | public void test_setLoopbackModeSendReceive() throws IOException(Code) | | |
test_setLoopbackModeZ | public void test_setLoopbackModeZ()(Code) | | |
test_setReuseAddressZ | public void test_setReuseAddressZ() throws Exception(Code) | | |
test_setTTLB | public void test_setTTLB()(Code) | | |
test_setTimeToLiveI | public void test_setTimeToLiveI()(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net.SocketTestCase | public void ensureExceptionThrownIfOptionIsUnsupportedOnOS(int option)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean getOptionIsSupported(int option)(Code)(Java Doc) public void handleException(Exception e, int option)(Code)(Java Doc)