| org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.util.PropertiesTest
PropertiesTest | public class PropertiesTest extends junit.framework.TestCase (Code) | | |
Inner Class :static class MyProperties extends Properties | |
propsFile | byte[] propsFile(Code) | | |
setUp | protected void setUp() throws Exception(Code) | | Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. This method
is called before a test is executed.
tearDown | protected void tearDown() throws Exception(Code) | | Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection. This
method is called after a test is executed.
testLoadSingleLine | public void testLoadSingleLine() throws Exception(Code) | | if loading from single line like "hello" without "\n\r" neither "=", it should be same
as loading from "hello="
test_Constructor | public void test_Constructor()(Code) | | |
test_ConstructorLjava_util_Properties | public void test_ConstructorLjava_util_Properties()(Code) | | |
test_getPropertyLjava_lang_String | public void test_getPropertyLjava_lang_String()(Code) | | |
test_getPropertyLjava_lang_String2 | public void test_getPropertyLjava_lang_String2()(Code) | | |
test_getPropertyLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String | public void test_getPropertyLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String()(Code) | | |
test_getPropertyLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String2 | public void test_getPropertyLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String2()(Code) | | |
test_listLjava_io_PrintStream | public void test_listLjava_io_PrintStream()(Code) | | |
test_listLjava_io_PrintWriter | public void test_listLjava_io_PrintWriter()(Code) | | |
test_propertyNames | public void test_propertyNames()(Code) | | |
test_saveLjava_io_OutputStreamLjava_lang_String | public void test_saveLjava_io_OutputStreamLjava_lang_String() throws IOException(Code) | | throws: IOException - |
test_setPropertyLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String | public void test_setPropertyLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String()(Code) | | |
test_storeLjava_io_OutputStreamLjava_lang_String | public void test_storeLjava_io_OutputStreamLjava_lang_String() throws IOException(Code) | | throws: IOException - |
test_storeToXMLLjava_io_OutputStreamLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String | public void test_storeToXMLLjava_io_OutputStreamLjava_lang_StringLjava_lang_String() throws IOException(Code) | | throws: IOException - |