| org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.util.TreeSetTest
TreeSetTest | public class TreeSetTest extends junit.framework.TestCase (Code) | | |
Inner Class :public static class ReversedIntegerComparator implements Comparator | |
setUp | protected void setUp()(Code) | | Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection. This method
is called before a test is executed.
tearDown | protected void tearDown()(Code) | | Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection. This
method is called after a test is executed.
test_Constructor | public void test_Constructor()(Code) | | |
test_ConstructorLjava_util_Collection | public void test_ConstructorLjava_util_Collection()(Code) | | |
test_ConstructorLjava_util_Comparator | public void test_ConstructorLjava_util_Comparator()(Code) | | |
test_ConstructorLjava_util_SortedSet | public void test_ConstructorLjava_util_SortedSet()(Code) | | |
test_addAllLjava_util_Collection | public void test_addAllLjava_util_Collection()(Code) | | |
test_addLjava_lang_Object | public void test_addLjava_lang_Object()(Code) | | |
test_clear | public void test_clear()(Code) | | |
test_clone | public void test_clone()(Code) | | |
test_comparator | public void test_comparator()(Code) | | |
test_containsLjava_lang_Object | public void test_containsLjava_lang_Object()(Code) | | |
test_equals | public void test_equals() throws Exception(Code) | | Tests equals() method.
Tests that no ClassCastException will be thrown in all cases.
Regression test for HARMONY-1639.
test_first | public void test_first()(Code) | | |
test_headSetLjava_lang_Object | public void test_headSetLjava_lang_Object()(Code) | | |
test_isEmpty | public void test_isEmpty()(Code) | | |
test_iterator | public void test_iterator()(Code) | | |
test_last | public void test_last()(Code) | | |
test_removeLjava_lang_Object | public void test_removeLjava_lang_Object()(Code) | | |
test_size | public void test_size()(Code) | | |
test_subSetLjava_lang_ObjectLjava_lang_Object | public void test_subSetLjava_lang_ObjectLjava_lang_Object()(Code) | | |
test_tailSetLjava_lang_Object | public void test_tailSetLjava_lang_Object()(Code) | | |