| java.lang.Object org.apache.harmony.luni.util.Inet6Util
Inet6Util | public class Inet6Util (Code) | | Utility functions for IPV6 operations.
addressToString | public static String addressToString(int value)(Code) | | |
bytesToInt | public static int bytesToInt(byte bytes, int start)(Code) | | Takes the byte array and creates an integer out of four bytes starting at
start as the high-order byte. This method makes no checks on the validity
of the parameters.
convertToBytes | public static void convertToBytes(String hexWord, byte ipByteArray, int byteIndex)(Code) | | Converts a 4 character hex word into a 2 byte word equivalent
createByteArrayFromIPAddressString | public static byte[] createByteArrayFromIPAddressString(String ipAddressString)(Code) | | Creates an byte[] based on an ipAddressString. No error handling is
performed here.
createIPAddrStringFromByteArray | public static String createIPAddrStringFromByteArray(byte ipByteArray)(Code) | | |
getIntValue | static int getIntValue(char c)(Code) | | |
isValidHexChar | static boolean isValidHexChar(char c)(Code) | | |
isValidIP4Word | public static boolean isValidIP4Word(String word)(Code) | | |
isValidIP6Address | public static boolean isValidIP6Address(String ipAddress)(Code) | | |
isValidIPV4Address | public static boolean isValidIPV4Address(String value)(Code) | | Takes a string and parses it to see if it is a valid IPV4 address.
true, if the string represents an IPV4 address in dottednotation, false otherwise |