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| org.apache.harmony.tests.java.math.BigIntegerModPowTest
BigIntegerModPowTest | public class BigIntegerModPowTest extends TestCase (Code) | | Class: java.math.BigInteger
Methods: modPow, modInverse, and gcd
testGcdBothZeros | public void testGcdBothZeros()(Code) | | gcd: both numbers are zeros
testGcdFirstLonger | public void testGcdFirstLonger()(Code) | | gcd: the first number is longer
testGcdFirstZERO | public void testGcdFirstZERO()(Code) | | gcd: the first number is ZERO
testGcdFirstZero | public void testGcdFirstZero()(Code) | | gcd: the first number is zero
testGcdSecondLonger | public void testGcdSecondLonger()(Code) | | gcd: the second number is longer
testGcdSecondZero | public void testGcdSecondZero()(Code) | | gcd: the second number is zero
testModPowException | public void testModPowException()(Code) | | modPow: non-positive modulus
testModPowNegExp | public void testModPowNegExp()(Code) | | modPow: negative exponent
testModPowPosExp | public void testModPowPosExp()(Code) | | modPow: positive exponent
testmodInverseException | public void testmodInverseException()(Code) | | modInverse: non-positive modulus
testmodInverseNeg1 | public void testmodInverseNeg1()(Code) | | modInverse: negative number
testmodInverseNeg2 | public void testmodInverseNeg2()(Code) | | modInverse: negative number (another case: x < 0)
testmodInverseNonInvertible | public void testmodInverseNonInvertible()(Code) | | modInverse: non-invertible number
testmodInversePos1 | public void testmodInversePos1()(Code) | | modInverse: positive number
testmodInversePos2 | public void testmodInversePos2()(Code) | | modInverse: positive number (another case: a < 0)