| Runs a tool.
Parameters: options - - a java.util.Map of the following key-valuepairs. Note, "-d" can not be specified with "-o" at the same time. key - "-d" value - a java.io.File object which represents a directory where the generated header files will be created. If this directory does not exist it will be created. key - "-o" value - a java.io.File object where the output will be directed to. key - "-bootclasspath" value - a java.lang.String which is a path where bootstrap classes are located. key - "-classpath" value - a java.lang.String which is a path where classes are located. key - "-inner" value - a java.lang.Boolean which is equal totrue , if inner classes should be processed automatically,that is, as if they are specified as elements of the classNames parameter. key - "-verbose" value - a java.lang.Boolean which is equal totrue , if the verbose output is needed. Parameters: classNames - - a set of the fully qualified class names. 0 if there is no error; 1 otherwise. |