AspectWerkzC offline Ant task.
Use the following parameters to configure the task:
verbose: [optional] flag marking the weaver verbosity [true / false]
details: [optional] flag marking the weaver verbosity on matching [true / false, requires verbose=true]
genjp: [optional] flag marking the need to keep the generated jp classes [true / false]
taskverbose: [optional] flag marking the task verbose [true / false]
definition: [optional] path to aspect definition xml file (optional, can be found on the path as META-INF/aop.xml - even several)
aspectmodels: [optional] models FQN list separated by ":" (see AspectModelManager)
Use the following parameters to configure the classpath and to point to the classes to be weaved. Those can be specified
with nested elements as well / instead:
classpath: classpath to use
classpathref: classpath reference to use
targetdir: directory where to find classes to weave
targetpath: classpath where to find classes to weave
targetpathref: classpath reference where to find classes to weave
Nested elements are similar to the "java" task when you configure a classpath:
classpath: Path-like structure for the classpath to be used by the weaver. Similar to "java" task classpath
targetpath: Path-like structure for the class to be weaved
Some rarely used options are also available:
backupdir: directory where to backup original classes during compilation, defautls to ./_aspectwerkzc
preprocessor: fully qualified name of the preprocessor. If not set the default is used.