| java.lang.Object org.blojsom.plugin.admin.BaseAdminPlugin org.blojsom.plugin.admin.WebAdminPlugin org.blojsom.plugin.admin.ThemeSwitcherPlugin
ThemeSwitcherPlugin | public class ThemeSwitcherPlugin extends WebAdminPlugin (Code) | | ThemeSwitcherPlugin
author: David Czarnecki version: $Id: ThemeSwitcherPlugin.java,v 1.3 2007/01/17 02:35:05 czarneckid Exp $ since: blojsom 3.0 |
ThemeSwitcherPlugin | public ThemeSwitcherPlugin()(Code) | | Default constructor
getAvailableThemes | protected String[] getAvailableThemes()(Code) | | Retrieve the list of directories (theme names) from the themes installation directory
List of theme names available |
getDisplayName | public String getDisplayName()(Code) | | Return the display name for the plugin
Display name for the plugin |
getInitialPage | public String getInitialPage()(Code) | | Return the name of the initial editing page for the plugin
Name of the initial editing page for the plugin |
setBlojsomProperties | public void setBlojsomProperties(Properties blojsomProperties)(Code) | | Set the default blojsom properties
Parameters: blojsomProperties - Default blojsom properties |
Methods inherited from org.blojsom.plugin.admin.BaseAdminPlugin | protected void addOperationResultMessage(Map context, String message)(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean authenticateUser(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, Map context, Blog blog)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean checkPermission(Blog blog, Map permissionContext, String username, String permission)(Code)(Java Doc) public void cleanup() throws PluginException(Code)(Java Doc) public void destroy() throws PluginException(Code)(Java Doc) protected String formatAdminResource(String resourceID, String fallbackText, Locale locale, Object[] arguments)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getAdminResource(String resourceID, String fallbackText, Locale locale)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getUsernameFromSession(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, Blog blog)(Code)(Java Doc) public void init() throws PluginException(Code)(Java Doc) public Entry[] process(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse, Blog blog, Map context, Entry[] entries) throws PluginException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setAuthorizationProvider(AuthorizationProvider authorizationProvider)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setResourceManager(ResourceManager resourceManager)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setServletConfig(ServletConfig servletConfig)(Code)(Java Doc)