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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Build » ANT »
Java Source File NameTypeComment
AbstractCvsTask.javaClass original 1.20 NOTE: This implementation has been moved here from with the addition of some accessors for extensibility.
Ant.javaClass Build a sub-project.
Antlib.javaClass Antlib task.
AntlibDefinition.javaClass Base class for tasks that that can be used in antlibs.
AntStructure.javaClass Creates a partial DTD for Ant from the currently known tasks.
Apt.javaClass Apt Task for running the Annotation processing tool for JDK 1.5.
Available.javaClass Will set the given property if the requested resource is available at runtime.
AvailableTest.javaClass JUnit test for the Available task/condition.
Basename.javaClass Sets a property to the base name of a specified file, optionally minus a suffix. This task can accept the following attributes:
  • file
  • property
  • suffix
The file and property attributes are required.
BuildNumber.javaClass Read, increment, and write a build number in a file It will first attempt to read a build number from a file, then set the property "build.number" to the value that was read in (or 0 if no such value).
BUnzip2.javaClass Expands a file that has been compressed with the BZIP2 algorithm.
BZip2.javaClass Compresses a file with the BZIP2 algorithm.
CallTarget.javaClass Call another target in the same project.
Checksum.javaClass Used to create or verify file checksums.
Chmod.javaClass Chmod equivalent for unix-like environments.
Classloader.javaClass EXPERIMENTAL Create or modifies ClassLoader.
Concat.javaClass This class contains the 'concat' task, used to concatenate a series of files into a single stream.
ConcatTest.javaClass A test class for the 'concat' task, used to concatenate a series of files into a single stream.
ConditionTask.javaClass Task to set a property conditionally using <uptodate>, <available>, and many other supported conditions.
Copy.javaClass Copies a file or directory to a new file or directory.
Copydir.javaClass Copies a directory.
Copyfile.javaClass Copies a file.
CopyTest.javaClass Tests FileSet using the Copy task.
Cvs.javaClass Performs operations on a CVS repository.
CVSPass.javaClass Adds an new entry to a CVS password file.
CVSPassTest.javaClass Tests CVSLogin task.
DefaultExcludes.javaClass Alters the default excludes for the entire build..
DefBase.javaClass Base class for Definitions handling uri and class loading.
Definer.javaClass Base class for Taskdef and Typedef - handles all the attributes for Typedef.
Delete.javaClass Deletes a file or directory, or set of files defined by a fileset. The original delete task would delete a file, or a set of files using the include/exclude syntax.
DemuxOutputTask.javaClass A simple task that prints to System.out and System.err and then catches the output which it then checks.
DependSet.javaClass Examines and removes out of date target files.
DiagnosticsTask.javaClass This is a task that hands off work to the Diagnostics module.
Dirname.javaClass Determines the directory name of the specified file. This task can accept the following attributes:
  • file
  • property
Both file and property are required.

When this task executes, it will set the specified property to the value of the specified file up to, but not including, the last path element.

Ear.javaClass Creates a EAR archive.
Echo.javaClass Writes a message to the Ant logging facilities.
EchoXML.javaClass Echo XML.
Exec.javaClass Executes a given command if the os platform is appropriate.

As of Ant 1.2, this class is no longer the implementation of Ant's <exec> task - it is considered to be dead code by the Ant developers and is unmaintained.

ExecTask.javaClass Executes a given command if the os platform is appropriate.
ExecTaskTest.javaClass Unit test for the <exec> task.
Execute.javaClass Runs an external program.
ExecuteJava.javaClass Execute a Java class.
ExecuteJavaTest.javaClass Simple testcase for the ExecuteJava class - mostly stolen from ExecuteWatchdogTest.
ExecuteOn.javaClass Executes a given command, supplying a set of files as arguments.
ExecuteStreamHandler.javaInterface Used by Execute to handle input and output stream of subprocesses.
ExecuteWatchdog.javaClass Destroys a process running for too long.
ExecuteWatchdogTest.javaClass Simple testcase for the ExecuteWatchdog class.
Exit.javaClass Exits the active build, giving an additional message if available. The if and unless attributes make the failure conditional -both probe for the named property being defined. The if tests for the property being defined, the unless for a property being undefined. If both attributes are set, then the test fails only if both tests are true.
Expand.javaClass Unzip a file.
Filter.javaClass Sets a token filter that is used by the file copy tasks to do token substitution.
FixCRLF.javaClass Converts text source files to local OS formatting conventions, as well as repair text files damaged by misconfigured or misguided editors or file transfer programs.

This task can take the following arguments:

  • srcdir
  • destdir
  • include
  • exclude
  • cr
  • eol
  • tab
  • eof
  • encoding
  • targetencoding
Of these arguments, only sourcedir is required.

When this task executes, it will scan the srcdir based on the include and exclude properties.

This version generalises the handling of EOL characters, and allows for CR-only line endings (the standard on Mac systems prior to OS X). Tab handling has also been generalised to accommodate any tabwidth from 2 to 80, inclusive.

GenerateKey.javaClass Generates a key in a keystore.
Get.javaClass Gets a particular file from a URL source. Options include verbose reporting, timestamp based fetches and controlling actions on failures.
GUnzip.javaClass Expands a file that has been compressed with the GZIP algorithm.
GZip.javaClass Compresses a file with the GZIP algorithm.
ImportTask.javaClass Task to import another build file into the current project.

It must be 'top level'.

InitializeClassTest.javaClass Test to see if static initializers are invoked the same way when is invoked in forked and unforked modes.
Input.javaClass Reads an input line from the console.
Jar.javaClass Creates a JAR archive.
Java.javaClass Launcher for Java applications.
Javac.javaClass Compiles Java source files.
JavacTest.javaClass Testcase for .
Javadoc.javaClass Generates Javadoc documentation for a collection of source code.
JDBCTask.javaClass Handles JDBC configuration needed by SQL type tasks.
Jikes.javaClass Encapsulates a Jikes compiler, by directly executing an external process.

As of Ant 1.2, this class is considered to be dead code by the Ant developers and is unmaintained.

JikesOutputParser.javaClass Parses output from jikes and passes errors and warnings into the right logging channels of Project.

As of Ant 1.2, this class is considered to be dead code by the Ant developers and is unmaintained.

KeySubst.javaClass Keyword substitution.
Length.javaClass Gets lengths: of files/resources, byte size; of strings, length (optionally trimmed).
LoadProperties.javaClass Load a file's contents as Ant properties.
LogOutputStream.javaClass Logs each line written to this stream to the log system of ant.
LogStreamHandler.javaClass Logs standard output and error of a subprocess to the log system of ant.
MacroDef.javaClass Describe class MacroDef here.
MacroInstance.javaClass The class to be placed in the ant type definition.
MakeUrl.javaClass This task takes file and turns them into a URL, which it then assigns to a property.
ManifestClassPath.javaClass Converts a Path into a property suitable as a Manifest classpath.
ManifestClassPathTest.javaClass Tests <bm:manifestclasspath>.
ManifestTask.javaClass Creates a manifest file for inclusion in a JAR, Ant task wrapper around Manifest Manifest .
ManifestTest.javaClass Testcase for the Manifest class used in the jar task.
MatchingTask.javaClass This is an abstract task that should be used by all those tasks that require to include or exclude files based on pattern matching.
Mkdir.javaClass Creates a given directory.
Move.javaClass Moves a file or directory to a new file or directory. By default, the destination file is overwritten if it already exists. When overwrite is turned off, then files are only moved if the source file is newer than the destination file, or when the destination file does not exist.

Source files and directories are only deleted when the file or directory has been copied to the destination successfully.

MoveTest.javaClass Tests the Move task.
Nice.javaClass A task to provide "nice-ness" to the current thread, and/or to query the current value.
Pack.javaClass Abstract Base class for pack tasks.
Parallel.javaClass Executes the contained tasks in separate threads, continuing once all are completed.

New behavior allows for the ant script to specify a maximum number of threads that will be executed in parallel.

Patch.javaClass Patches a file by applying a 'diff' file to it; requires "patch" to be on the execution path.
PathConvert.javaClass Converts path and classpath information to a specific target OS format.
PathConvertTest.javaClass Unit test for the <pathconvert> task.
PreSetDef.javaClass The preset definition task generates a new definition based on a current definition with some attributes or elements preset.
ProcessDestroyer.javaClass Destroys all registered Processes when the VM exits.
Property.javaClass Sets a property by name, or set of properties (from file or resource) in the project.
PumpStreamHandler.javaClass Copies standard output and error of subprocesses to standard output and error of the parent process.
Recorder.javaClass Adds a listener to the current build process that records the output to a file.

Several recorders can exist at the same time.

RecorderEntry.javaClass This is a class that represents a recorder.
Redirector.javaClass The Redirector class manages the setup and connection of input and output redirection for an Ant project component.
Rename.javaClass Renames a file.
Replace.javaClass Replaces all occurrences of one or more string tokens with given values in the indicated files.
ResourceCount.javaClass Count resources from a ResourceCollection, storing to a property or writing to the log.
RmicTest.javaClass Testcase for .
SendEmail.javaClass A task to send SMTP email.
Sequential.javaClass Sequential is a container task - it can contain other Ant tasks.
SignJar.javaClass Signs JAR or ZIP files with the javasign command line tool.
Sleep.javaClass Sleep, or pause, for a period of time. A task for sleeping a short period of time, useful when a build or deployment process requires an interval between tasks.

A negative value can be supplied to any of attributes provided the total sleep time is positive, pending fundamental changes in physics and JVM execution times

Note that sleep times are always hints to be interpreted by the OS how it feels small times may either be ignored or rounded up to a minimum timeslice.
SQLExec.javaClass Executes a series of SQL statements on a database using JDBC.

Statements can either be read in from a text file using the src attribute or from between the enclosing SQL tags.

Multiple statements can be provided, separated by semicolons (or the defined delimiter).

SQLExecTest.javaClass Simple testcase to test for driver caching. To test for your own database, you may need to tweak getProperties(int) and add a couple of keys.
StreamPumper.javaClass Copies all data from an input stream to an output stream.
StyleTest.javaClass TestCases for XSLTProcess task.
SubAnt.javaClass Calls a given target for all defined sub-builds.
Sync.javaClass Synchronize a local target directory from the files defined in one or more filesets.

Uses a <copy> task internally, but forbidding the use of mappers and filter chains.

Tar.javaClass Creates a tar archive.
Taskdef.javaClass Adds a task definition to the current project, such that this new task can be used in the current project.
TaskOutputStream.javaClass Redirects text written to a stream thru the standard ant logging mechanism.
TempFile.javaClass This task sets a property to the name of a temporary file.
TestProcess.javaClass Interactive Testcase for Processdestroyer.
TimeProcess.javaClass Helper class for ExecuteWatchdogTest and ExecuteJavaTest.
Touch.javaClass Touch a file and/or fileset(s) and/or filelist(s); corresponds to the Unix touch command.
Transform.javaClass Has been merged into ExecuteOn, empty class for backwards compatibility.
Tstamp.javaClass Sets properties to the current time, or offsets from the current time.
Typedef.javaClass Adds a data type definition to the current project. Two attributes are needed, the name that identifies this data type uniquely, and the full name of the class (including the packages) that implements this type.

You can also define a group of data types at once using the file or resource attributes.

Unpack.javaClass Abstract Base class for unpack tasks.
Untar.javaClass Untar a file.

For JDK 1.1 "last modified time" field is set to current time instead of being carried from the archive file.

PatternSets are used to select files to extract from the archive.

UpToDate.javaClass Sets the given property if the specified target has a timestamp greater than all of the source files.
VerifyJar.javaClass JAR verification task. For every JAR passed in, we fork jarsigner to verify that it is correctly signed.
WaitFor.javaClass Wait for an external event to occur. Wait for an external process to start or to complete some task.
War.javaClass An extension of <jar> to create a WAR archive.
WhichResource.javaClass Find a class or resource on the supplied classpath, or the system classpath if none is supplied.
XmlProperty.javaClass Loads property values from a valid XML file, generating the property names from the file's element and attribute names.


 <root-tag myattr="true">
 <inner-tag someattr="val">Text</inner-tag>

this generates the following properties:


The collapseAttributes property of this task can be set to true (the default is false) which will instead result in the following properties (note the difference in names of properties corresponding to XML attributes):


Optionally, to more closely mirror the abilities of the Property task, a selected set of attributes can be treated specially.

XSLTLiaison.javaInterface Proxy interface for XSLT processors.
XSLTLiaison2.javaInterface Extended Proxy interface for XSLT processors.
XSLTLiaison3.javaInterface Extends Proxy interface for XSLT processors.
XSLTLoggerAware.javaInterface Interface for a class that one can set an XSLTLogger on.
XSLTProcess.javaClass Processes a set of XML documents via XSLT.
Zip.javaClass Create a Zip file.
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