A ContainerMapper that chains the results of the first
nested FileNameMappers into sourcefiles for the second,
the second to the third, and so on, returning the resulting mapped
filenames from the last nested FileNameMapper.
Helper methods to deal with date/time formatting with a specific
defined format (ISO8601)
or a plurialization correct elapsed time in minutes and seconds.
This class also encapsulates methods which allow Files to be
referred to using abstract path names which are translated to native
system file paths at runtime as well as copying files or setting
their last modification time.
Class that delays opening the output file until the first bytes
shall be written or the method
LazyFileOutputStream.open open has been invoked
Hashtable implementation that allows delayed construction
of expensive objects
All operations that need access to the full list of objects
will call initAll() first.
A simple utility class to take a piece of code (that implements
Retryable interface) and executes that with possibility to
retry the execution in case of IOException.
These classes are part of some code to reduce memory leaks by only
retaining weak references to things
on Java1.2+, and yet still work (with leaky hard references) on Java1.1.