promptKeyboardInteractive(String destination, String name, String instruction, String[] prompt, boolean[] echo) Implementation of UIKeyboardInteractive#promptKeyboardInteractive.
Parameters: destination - not used. Parameters: name - not used. Parameters: instruction - not used. Parameters: prompt - the method checks if this is one in length. Parameters: echo - the method checks if the first element is false.
public SSHUserInfo(String password, boolean trustAllCertificates)(Code)
Constructor for SSHUserInfo.
Parameters: password - the user's password Parameters: trustAllCertificates - if true trust hosts whose identity is unknown
Implementation of UIKeyboardInteractive#promptKeyboardInteractive.
Parameters: destination - not used. Parameters: name - not used. Parameters: instruction - not used. Parameters: prompt - the method checks if this is one in length. Parameters: echo - the method checks if the first element is false. the password in an size one array if there is a passwordand if the prompt and echo checks pass.
public boolean promptPassphrase(String message)(Code)
Implement the UserInfo interface.
Parameters: message - ignored true always
public boolean promptPassword(String passwordPrompt)(Code)
Implement the UserInfo interface.
Parameters: passwordPrompt - ignored true the first time this is called, false otherwise