Method Summary |
protected View | createSnapshotView(View raw) Override of base-class abstract function creates an
appropriately configured view for checkouts - either
the current view or a view from this.label or the raw
view itself in the case of a revision label. |
public boolean | getUseRepositoryTimeStamp() |
protected void | logOperationDescription(Folder starteamrootFolder, targetrootFolder) extenders should emit to the log an entry describing the parameters
that will be used by this operation. |
public void | setAsOfDate(String asOfDateParam) List files, dates, and statuses as of this date; optional. |
public void | setAsOfDateFormat(String asOfDateFormat) Date Format with which asOfDate parameter to be parsed; optional. |
public void | setConvertEOL(boolean value) Set whether or not files should be checked out using the
local machine's EOL convention. |
public void | setCreateWorkingDirs(boolean value) flag (defaults to true) to create all directories
that are in the Starteam repository even if they are empty. |
public void | setDeleteUncontrolled(boolean value) Whether or not all local files not in StarTeam should be deleted. |
public void | setLabel(String label) Sets the label StarTeam is to use for checkout; defaults to the most recent file. |
public void | setLocked(boolean v) Set to do a locked checkout; optional default is false. |
public void | setUnlocked(boolean v) Set to do an unlocked checkout. |
public void | setUseRepositoryTimeStamp(boolean useRepositoryTimeStamp) sets the useRepositoryTimestmp member. |
protected void | testPreconditions() Implements base-class abstract function to define tests for
any preconditons required by the task. |
protected void | visit(Folder starteamFolder, targetFolder) Implements base-class abstract function to perform the checkout
operation on the files in each folder of the tree. |