| java.lang.Object javassist.bytecode.annotation.AnnotationImpl
AnnotationImpl | public class AnnotationImpl implements InvocationHandler(Code) | | Internal-use only. This is a helper class internally used for implementing
toAnnotationType() in Annotation .
getAnnotation | public Annotation getAnnotation()(Code) | | Obtains the internal data structure representing the annotation.
getTypeName | public String getTypeName()(Code) | | Obtains the name of the annotation type.
invoke | public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable(Code) | | Executes a method invocation on a proxy instance.
The implementations of toString() , equals() ,
and hashCode() are directly supplied by the
AnnotationImpl . The annotationType() method
is also available on the proxy instance.
make | public static Object make(ClassLoader cl, Class clazz, ClassPool cp, Annotation anon)(Code) | | Constructs an annotation object.
Parameters: cl - class loader for obtaining annotation types. Parameters: clazz - the annotation type. Parameters: cp - class pool for containing an annotationtype (or null). Parameters: anon - the annotation. |