| java.lang.Object javassist.compiler.ast.Visitor javassist.compiler.CodeGen javassist.compiler.MemberCodeGen javassist.compiler.JvstCodeGen
Method Summary | |
public void | addNullIfVoid() | protected void | atAssignParamList(CtClass[] params, Bytecode code) | public void | atCallExpr(CallExpr expr) | public void | atCastExpr(CastExpr expr) | protected void | atCastToRtype(CastExpr expr) Inserts a cast operator to the return type. | protected void | atCastToWrapper(CastExpr expr) | protected void | atCflow(ASTList cname) | protected void | atFieldAssign(Expr expr, int op, ASTree left, ASTree right, boolean doDup) | public void | atMember(Member mem) | public void | atMethodArgs(ASTList args, int[] types, int[] dims, String[] cnames) | protected void | atReturnStmnt(Stmnt st) | void | compileInvokeSpecial(ASTree target, String classname, String methodname, String descriptor, ASTList args) | public static int | compileParameterList(Bytecode code, CtClass[] params, int regno) | protected void | compileUnwrapValue(CtClass type, Bytecode code) | public void | doNumCast(CtClass type) | public int | getMethodArgsLength(ASTList args) | public boolean | isParamListName(ASTList args) | public int | recordParams(CtClass[] params, boolean isStatic, String prefix, String paramVarName, String paramsName, SymbolTable tbl) Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, $$, and $class available.
$0 is equivalent to THIS if the method is not static. | public int | recordParams(CtClass[] params, boolean isStatic, String prefix, String paramVarName, String paramsName, boolean use0, int paramBase, String target, SymbolTable tbl) Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, $$, and $class available.
$0 is available only if use0 is true. | public int | recordReturnType(CtClass type, String castName, String resultName, SymbolTable tbl) Makes a cast to the return type ($r) available.
It also enables $_.
If the return type is void, ($r) does nothing.
The type of $_ is java.lang.Object.
Parameters: resultName - null if $_ is not used. | public void | recordType(CtClass t) Makes $type available. | public int | recordVariable(CtClass type, String varName, SymbolTable tbl) Makes the given variable name available. | public void | recordVariable(String typeDesc, String varName, int varNo, SymbolTable tbl) Makes the given variable name available. | public void | setProceedHandler(ProceedHandler h, String name) | public void | setType(CtClass type) |
dollarTypeName | final public static String dollarTypeName(Code) | | |
wrapperCastName | final public static String wrapperCastName(Code) | | |
addNullIfVoid | public void addNullIfVoid()(Code) | | |
atCastToRtype | protected void atCastToRtype(CastExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code) | | Inserts a cast operator to the return type.
If the return type is void, this does nothing.
compileParameterList | public static int compileParameterList(Bytecode code, CtClass[] params, int regno)(Code) | | |
getMethodArgsLength | public int getMethodArgsLength(ASTList args)(Code) | | |
isParamListName | public boolean isParamListName(ASTList args)(Code) | | |
recordParams | public int recordParams(CtClass[] params, boolean isStatic, String prefix, String paramVarName, String paramsName, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError(Code) | | Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, $$, and $class available.
$0 is equivalent to THIS if the method is not static. Otherwise,
if the method is static, then $0 is not available.
recordParams | public int recordParams(CtClass[] params, boolean isStatic, String prefix, String paramVarName, String paramsName, boolean use0, int paramBase, String target, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError(Code) | | Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, $$, and $class available.
$0 is available only if use0 is true. It might not be equivalent
to THIS.
Parameters: params - the parameter types (the types of $1, $2, ..) Parameters: prefix - it must be "$" (the first letter of $0, $1, ...) Parameters: paramVarName - it must be "$args" Parameters: paramsName - it must be "$$" Parameters: use0 - true if $0 is used. Parameters: paramBase - the register number of $0 (use0 is true)or $1 (otherwise). Parameters: target - the class of $0. If use0 is false, targetcan be null. The value of "target" is also usedas the name of the type represented by $class. Parameters: isStatic - true if the method in which the compiled bytecodeis embedded is static. |
recordReturnType | public int recordReturnType(CtClass type, String castName, String resultName, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError(Code) | | Makes a cast to the return type ($r) available.
It also enables $_.
If the return type is void, ($r) does nothing.
The type of $_ is java.lang.Object.
Parameters: resultName - null if $_ is not used. -1 or the variable index assigned to $_. |
recordType | public void recordType(CtClass t)(Code) | | Makes $type available.
recordVariable | public int recordVariable(CtClass type, String varName, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError(Code) | | Makes the given variable name available.
Parameters: type - variable type Parameters: varName - variable name |
recordVariable | public void recordVariable(String typeDesc, String varName, int varNo, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError(Code) | | Makes the given variable name available.
Parameters: typeDesc - the type descriptor of the variable Parameters: varName - variable name Parameters: varNo - an index into the local variable array |
Methods inherited from javassist.compiler.MemberCodeGen | public void atArrayInit(ArrayInit init) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atArrayVariableAssign(ArrayInit init, int varType, int varArray, String varClass) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atCallExpr(CallExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atFieldAssign(Expr expr, int op, ASTree left, ASTree right, boolean doDup) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atFieldPlusPlus(int token, boolean isPost, ASTree oprand, Expr expr, boolean doDup) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atFieldRead(ASTree expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atMember(Member mem) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atMethodArgs(ASTList args, int[] types, int[] dims, String[] cnames) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atMethodCallCore(CtClass targetClass, String mname, ASTList args, boolean isStatic, boolean isSpecial, int aload0pos, MemberResolver.Method found) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atMultiNewArray(int type, ASTList classname, ASTList size) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atNewArrayExpr(NewExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atNewExpr(NewExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atTryStmnt(Stmnt st) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected CtField fieldAccess(ASTree expr, boolean acceptLength) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getAccessibleConstructor(String desc, CtClass declClass, MethodInfo minfo) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getAccessiblePrivate(String methodName, String desc, String newDesc, MethodInfo minfo, CtClass declClass) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public int getMethodArgsLength(ASTList args)(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getSuperName() throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public CtClass getThisClass()(Code)(Java Doc) protected String getThisName()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void insertDefaultSuperCall() throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public CtClass[] makeParamList(MethodDecl md) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public CtClass[] makeThrowsList(MethodDecl md) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected String resolveClassName(ASTList name) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected String resolveClassName(String jvmName) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) void setReturnType(String desc, boolean isStatic, boolean popTarget) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void setThisMethod(CtMethod m)(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from javassist.compiler.CodeGen | protected void arrayAccess(ASTree array, ASTree index) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atASTList(ASTList n) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void atArrayInit(ArrayInit init) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atArrayPlusPlus(int token, boolean isPost, Expr expr, boolean doDup) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atArrayRead(ASTree array, ASTree index) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void atArrayVariableAssign(ArrayInit init, int varType, int varArray, String varClass) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atAssignCore(Expr expr, int op, ASTree right, int type, int dim, String cname) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atAssignExpr(AssignExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atAssignExpr(AssignExpr expr, boolean doDup) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atBinExpr(BinExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void atCallExpr(CallExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atCastExpr(CastExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atClassObject(Expr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atCondExpr(CondExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atDeclarator(Declarator d) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atDoubleConst(DoubleConst d) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atExpr(Expr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void atFieldAssign(Expr expr, int op, ASTree left, ASTree right, boolean doDup) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atFieldDecl(FieldDecl field) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void atFieldPlusPlus(int token, boolean isPost, ASTree oprand, Expr expr, boolean doDup) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void atFieldRead(ASTree expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atInstanceOfExpr(InstanceOfExpr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atIntConst(IntConst i) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atKeyword(Keyword k) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void atMember(Member n) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atMethodBody(Stmnt s, boolean isCons, boolean isVoid) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atMethodDecl(MethodDecl method) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract public void atNewExpr(NewExpr n) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) void atNumCastExpr(int srcType, int destType) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atPair(Pair n) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atPlusPlusCore(int dup_code, boolean doDup, int token, boolean isPost, Expr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atReturnStmnt(Stmnt st) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) final protected void atReturnStmnt2(ASTree result) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atStmnt(Stmnt st) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atStringL(StringL s) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atSymbol(Symbol n) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected void atTryStmnt(Stmnt st) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void atVariable(Variable v) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void badAssign(Expr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void badType(Expr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void badTypes(Expr expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean compileBooleanExpr(boolean branchIf, ASTree expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void compileExpr(ASTree expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public void doTypeCheck(ASTree expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected static void fatal() throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected static int getArrayReadOp(int type, int dim)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static int getArrayWriteOp(int type, int dim)(Code)(Java Doc) static int getCompOperator(ASTree expr) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getLocalVar(Declarator d)(Code)(Java Doc) public int getMaxLocals()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected String getSuperName() throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getTempVar()(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected String getThisName()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void incMaxLocals(int size)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void insertDefaultSuperCall() throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) public static boolean is2word(int type, int dim)(Code)(Java Doc) static boolean isP_INT(int type)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static boolean isRefType(int type)(Code)(Java Doc) static int lookupBinOp(int token)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void patchGoto(ArrayList list, int targetPc)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected String resolveClassName(ASTList name) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected String resolveClassName(String jvmClassName) throws CompileError(Code)(Java Doc) static boolean rightIsStrong(int type1, int type2)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setMaxLocals(int n)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTypeChecker(TypeChecker checker)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String toJvmArrayName(String name, int dim)(Code)(Java Doc) protected static String toJvmTypeName(int type, int dim)(Code)(Java Doc)