001: /**
002: * Chart2D, a java library for drawing two dimensional charts.
003: * Copyright (C) 2001 Jason J. Simas
004: *
005: * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
006: * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
007: * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
008: * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
009: *
010: * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
011: * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
013: * Lesser General Public License for more details.
014: * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
015: * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
016: * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
017: *
018: * The author of this library may be contacted at:
019: * E-mail: jjsimas@users.sourceforge.net
020: * Street Address: J J Simas, 887 Tico Road, Ojai, CA 93023-3555 USA
021: */package net.sourceforge.chart2d;
023: import java.awt.*;
024: import java.util.*;
026: /**
027: * An abstract class for the common methods of LBChart2D and LLChart2D.
028: * A GraphChart2D object is an area that contains axes and one or more overlaid graphs.
029: * Changes through its set methods are updated upon next repaint() or getImage() calls.
030: */
031: public abstract class GraphChart2D extends Chart2D {
033: /**
034: * Indicates a LBGraphArea.
035: */
036: static final int LABELS_BOTTOM = 0;
038: /**
039: * Indicates a LLGraphArea.
040: */
041: static final int LABELS_LEFT = 1;
043: private GraphChart2DProperties graphChart2DProps;
044: private Vector graphPropsVector = new Vector(5, 5);
045: private Vector datasetsVector = new Vector(5, 5);
046: private Vector multiColorsPropsVector = new Vector(5, 5);
047: private Vector warningRegionPropsVector = new Vector(5, 5);
048: private boolean needsUpdate;
050: /**
051: * Creates a GraphChart2D object with its defaults.
052: * A GraphChart2DProperties object must be set for this object before it is used.
053: * A GraphProperties object must be added for this object before it is used.
054: * A Dataset object must be added for this object before it is used.
055: * A MultiColorsProperties object must be added for this object before it is used.
056: */
057: public GraphChart2D() {
058: needsUpdate = true;
059: }
061: /**
062: * Sets the GraphChart2DProperties for this GraphChart2D.
063: * @param props The GraphChart2DProperties.
064: */
065: public final void setGraphChart2DProperties(
066: GraphChart2DProperties props) {
068: needsUpdate = true;
069: props.addGraphChart2D(this );
070: if (graphChart2DProps != null)
071: graphChart2DProps.removeGraphChart2D(this );
072: graphChart2DProps = props;
073: }
075: /**
076: * Sets the allocation of space to each component of a graph chart.
077: * There are four components: numbers axis, labels axis, graph, and legend.
078: * The ratios of the axes can be determined from the ratios of the graph and the legend.
079: * Depending on the chart type, the left and bottom axes can be the numbers axis and labels axis.
080: * The width of the left axis is 1f - graphW - legendW.
081: * The width of the bottom axis is graphW.
082: * The height of the left axis is graphH.
083: * The ratio of the legend height is always 1f.
084: * @param graphW The ratio of graph width to total.
085: * @param graphH The ratio of graph height to total.
086: * @param legendW The ratio of graph width to total.
087: * @param legendH The ratio of legend height to total.
088: */
089: public final void setLayoutRatios(float graphW, float graphH,
090: float legendW) {
092: needsUpdate = true;
093: GraphChartArea chart = (GraphChartArea) getObjectArea();
095: chart.setGraphToWidthRatio(graphW);
096: chart.setGraphToHeightRatio(graphH);
097: chart.setLegendToWidthRatio(legendW);
098: chart.setLegendToHeightRatio(1f);
100: float numbersW, numbersH, labelsW, labelsH;
101: if (getGraphChartType() == LABELS_BOTTOM) {
103: numbersW = 1f - graphW - legendW;
104: numbersH = graphH;
105: labelsW = graphW;
106: labelsH = 1f - graphH;
108: chart.setYAxisToWidthRatio(numbersW);
109: chart.setYAxisToHeightRatio(numbersH);
110: chart.setXAxisToWidthRatio(labelsW);
111: chart.setXAxisToHeightRatio(labelsH);
112: } else {
114: numbersW = graphW;
115: numbersH = 1 - graphH;
116: labelsW = 1 - graphW - legendW;
117: labelsH = graphH;
119: chart.setYAxisToWidthRatio(labelsW);
120: chart.setYAxisToHeightRatio(labelsH);
121: chart.setXAxisToWidthRatio(numbersW);
122: chart.setXAxisToHeightRatio(numbersH);
123: }
125: chart.setAutoSetLayoutRatios(true);
126: }
128: /**
129: * Gets the GraphChart2DProperties for this Chart2D.
130: * @param props The GraphChart2DProperties.
131: */
132: public final GraphChart2DProperties getGraphChart2DProperties() {
133: return graphChart2DProps;
134: }
136: /**
137: * Gets a graph properties based on the order the graph properties were added.
138: * First added is number zero.
139: * @return The graph properties object added to this chart.
140: */
141: public final GraphProperties getGraphProperties(int i) {
142: return (GraphProperties) graphPropsVector.get(i);
143: }
145: /**
146: * Gets a dataset based on the order the dataset was added.
147: * First added is number zero.
148: * @return The dataset added to this chart.
149: */
150: public final Dataset getDataset(int i) {
151: return (Dataset) datasetsVector.get(i);
152: }
154: /**
155: * Gets a multiColorsProps based on the order the multiColorsProps was added.
156: * First added is number zero.
157: * @return The multiColorsProps added to this chart.
158: */
159: public final MultiColorsProperties getMultiColorsProperties(int i) {
160: return (MultiColorsProperties) multiColorsPropsVector.get(i);
161: }
163: /**
164: * Gets a warning region properties based on the order the properties were added.
165: * First added is number zero.
166: * @return The warning region properties object added to this chart.
167: */
168: public final WarningRegionProperties getWarningRegionProperties(
169: int i) {
170: return (WarningRegionProperties) warningRegionPropsVector
171: .get(i);
172: }
174: /**
175: * Adds a GraphProperties object to this chart.
176: * @param graphProps The graph properties to add to this chart.
177: */
178: public final void addGraphProperties(GraphProperties graphProps) {
179: needsUpdate = true;
180: graphProps.addGraphChart2D(this );
181: graphPropsVector.add(graphProps);
182: }
184: /**
185: * Adds a Dataset object to this chart.
186: * @param dataset The dataset to add to this chart.
187: */
188: public final void addDataset(Dataset dataset) {
189: needsUpdate = true;
190: dataset.addChart2D(this );
191: datasetsVector.add(dataset);
192: }
194: /**
195: * Adds a MultiColorsProperties object to this chart.
196: * @param multiColorsProps The multi colors properties to add to this chart.
197: */
198: public final void addMultiColorsProperties(
199: MultiColorsProperties multiColorsProps) {
200: needsUpdate = true;
201: multiColorsProps.addObject2D(this );
202: multiColorsPropsVector.add(multiColorsProps);
203: }
205: /**
206: * Adds a WarningRegionProperties object to this chart.
207: * @param warningRegion The warning region properties to add to this chart.
208: */
209: public final void addWarningRegionProperties(
210: WarningRegionProperties warningRegionProps) {
211: needsUpdate = true;
212: warningRegionProps.addGraphChart2D(this );
213: warningRegionPropsVector.add(warningRegionProps);
214: }
216: /**
217: * Removes GraphProperties object from this chart.
218: * @param graphProps The graph properties to remove from this chart.
219: */
220: public final void removeGraphProperties(GraphProperties graphProps) {
221: needsUpdate = true;
222: graphProps.removeGraphChart2D(this );
223: graphPropsVector.remove(graphProps);
224: }
226: /**
227: * Removes a Dataset object from this chart.
228: * @param dataset The dataset to remove from this chart.
229: */
230: public final void removeDataset(Dataset dataset) {
231: needsUpdate = true;
232: dataset.removeChart2D(this );
233: datasetsVector.remove(dataset);
234: }
236: /**
237: * Removes a MultiColorsProperties object from this chart.
238: * @param multiColorsProperties The multi colors properties to remove from this chart.
239: */
240: public final void removeMultiColorsProperties(
241: MultiColorsProperties multiColorsProps) {
242: needsUpdate = true;
243: multiColorsProps.removeObject2D(this );
244: multiColorsPropsVector.remove(multiColorsProps);
245: }
247: /**
248: * Removes a warning region with the specified properties to this chart.
249: * @param warningRegion The warning region to remove from this chart.
250: */
251: public final void removeWarningRegionProperties(
252: WarningRegionProperties warningRegionProps) {
253: needsUpdate = true;
254: warningRegionProps.removeGraphChart2D(this );
255: warningRegionPropsVector.remove(warningRegionProps);
256: }
258: /**
259: * Returns either LABELS_BOTTOM or LABELS_LEFT depending on whether LBChart2D or LLChart2D.
260: * @return The type of the chart.
261: */
262: abstract int getGraphChartType();
264: /**
265: * Gets the number of sets total over all the Dataset objects.
266: * @return The total number of sets.
267: */
268: final int getNumSetsTotal() {
270: int numSets = 0;
271: for (int i = 0; i < datasetsVector.size(); ++i) {
272: numSets += ((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(i)).getNumSets();
273: }
274: return numSets;
275: }
277: /**
278: * Gets the vector of GraphProperties objects that were added.
279: * @return The graph properties objects vector.
280: */
281: final Vector getGraphPropertiesVector() {
282: return graphPropsVector;
283: }
285: /**
286: * Gets the vector of Dataset objects that were added.
287: * @return The dataset objects vector.
288: */
289: final Vector getDatasetsVector() {
290: return datasetsVector;
291: }
293: /**
294: * Gets the vector of MultiColorsProperties objects that were added.
295: * @return The multi colors properties objects vector.
296: */
297: final Vector getMultiColorsPropertiesVector() {
298: return multiColorsPropsVector;
299: }
301: /**
302: * Gets the vector of WarningRegionProperties objects that were added.
303: * @return The warning region properties objects vector.
304: */
305: final Vector getWarningRegionPropertiesVector() {
306: return warningRegionPropsVector;
307: }
309: /**
310: * Gets whether this object needs to be updated.
311: * @return If true then needs update.
312: */
313: final boolean getNeedsUpdateGraphChart2D() {
315: if (needsUpdate)
316: return true;
317: if (getNeedsUpdateChart2D())
318: return true;
319: if (graphChart2DProps.getGraphChart2DNeedsUpdate(this ))
320: return true;
322: for (int i = 0; i < graphPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
323: if (((GraphProperties) graphPropsVector.get(i))
324: .getGraphChart2DNeedsUpdate(this ))
325: return true;
326: }
327: for (int i = 0; i < datasetsVector.size(); ++i) {
328: if (((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(i))
329: .getChart2DNeedsUpdate(this ))
330: return true;
331: }
332: for (int i = 0; i < multiColorsPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
333: if (((MultiColorsProperties) multiColorsPropsVector.get(i))
334: .getObject2DNeedsUpdate(this ))
335: return true;
336: }
337: for (int i = 0; i < warningRegionPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
338: if (((WarningRegionProperties) warningRegionPropsVector
339: .get(i)).getGraphChart2DNeedsUpdate(this ))
340: return true;
341: }
343: return false;
344: }
346: /**
347: * Validates the properties of this object.
348: * If debug is true then prints a messages indicating whether each property is valid.
349: * Returns true if all the properties were valid and false otherwise.
350: * @param debug If true then will print status messages.
351: * @return If true then valid.
352: */
353: final boolean validateGraphChart2D(boolean debug) {
355: if (debug)
356: System.out.println("Validating GraphChart2D");
358: boolean valid = true;
360: if (!validateChart2D(debug))
361: valid = false;
363: GraphChartArea chart = (GraphChartArea) getObjectArea();
365: if (chart.getXAxisToWidthRatio() < 0f
366: || chart.getXAxisToWidthRatio() > 1f
367: || chart.getXAxisToHeightRatio() < 0f
368: || chart.getXAxisToHeightRatio() > 1f
369: || chart.getYAxisToWidthRatio() < 0f
370: || chart.getYAxisToWidthRatio() > 1f
371: || chart.getYAxisToHeightRatio() < 0f
372: || chart.getYAxisToHeightRatio() > 1f
373: || chart.getGraphToWidthRatio() < 0f
374: || chart.getGraphToWidthRatio() > 1f
375: || chart.getGraphToHeightRatio() < 0f
376: || chart.getGraphToHeightRatio() > 1f
377: || chart.getLegendToWidthRatio() < 0f
378: || chart.getLegendToWidthRatio() > 1f
379: || chart.getLegendToHeightRatio() < 0f
380: || chart.getLegendToHeightRatio() > 1f) {
381: valid = false;
382: if (debug)
383: System.out
384: .println("Chart components ratios need to be between 0 and 1");
385: }
387: if (graphChart2DProps == null) {
388: valid = false;
389: if (debug)
390: System.out.println("GraphChart2DProperties is null");
391: } else if (!graphChart2DProps.validate(debug))
392: valid = false;
394: //Restriction: Number of GraphProperties must equal number of Datasets and MultiColorsProps
395: if (graphPropsVector.size() != datasetsVector.size()
396: || datasetsVector.size() != multiColorsPropsVector
397: .size()) {
398: valid = false;
399: if (debug)
400: System.out
401: .println("Number of GraphProperties, Datasets, and MultiColorsPropertes objects must be equal");
402: }
404: //Restriction: At least one object of each GraphProperties, Dataset, and MultiColorsProperties
405: if (valid) {
406: if (graphPropsVector.size() < 1) {
407: valid = false;
408: if (debug)
409: System.out
410: .println("Need at least one of each GraphProperties, Dataset, and MultiColorsProperties");
411: }
412: }
414: if (valid) {
416: for (int i = 0; i < graphPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
418: if (debug)
419: System.out
420: .println("Checking GraphProperties Object "
421: + i);
422: if (!((GraphProperties) graphPropsVector.get(i))
423: .validate(debug))
424: valid = false;
425: }
426: for (int i = 0; i < datasetsVector.size(); ++i) {
428: if (debug)
429: System.out.println("Checking Datasets Object " + i);
430: if (!((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(i)).validate(debug))
431: valid = false;
432: }
433: for (int i = 0; i < multiColorsPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
435: if (debug)
436: System.out
437: .println("Checking MultiColorsProperties Object "
438: + i);
439: if (!((MultiColorsProperties) multiColorsPropsVector
440: .get(i)).validate(debug))
441: valid = false;
442: }
443: for (int i = 0; i < warningRegionPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
445: if (debug)
446: System.out
447: .println("Checking WarningRegionProperties Object "
448: + i);
449: if (!((WarningRegionProperties) warningRegionPropsVector
450: .get(i)).validate(debug)) {
451: valid = false;
452: }
453: }
454: }
456: //Restriction: There must be a legend label for each dataset, if the legend exists.
457: if (valid) {
459: if (getLegendProperties().getLegendExistence()
460: && getLegendProperties().getLegendLabelsTexts().length != getNumSetsTotal()) {
461: valid = false;
462: if (debug)
463: System.out
464: .println("Number of legend labels must equal total number of sets for all datasets");
465: }
466: }
468: //Restriction: If dataset at least one and multi colors custom, then at least one custom color
469: if (valid) {
471: for (int i = 0; i < datasetsVector.size(); ++i) {
473: MultiColorsProperties multiColorsProps = (MultiColorsProperties) multiColorsPropsVector
474: .get(i);
475: if (((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(i)).getNumSets() > 0
476: && multiColorsProps.getColorsCustomize()
477: && multiColorsProps.getColorsCustom().length < 1) {
478: valid = false;
479: if (debug)
480: System.out
481: .println("Not enough custom colors for MultiColorsProperties "
482: + i);
483: }
484: }
485: }
487: //Restriction: All datasets must have equal num cats.
488: if (valid) {
490: int numCats = ((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(0))
491: .getNumCats();
492: for (int i = 1; i < datasetsVector.size(); ++i) {
494: if (numCats != ((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(i))
495: .getNumCats()) {
496: valid = false;
497: if (debug)
498: System.out
499: .println("Dataset doesn't have same number of cats as first dataset "
500: + i);
501: }
502: }
503: }
505: //Restriction: If labels axis exists, then num labels must equal num dataset cats
506: if (valid) {
508: if (graphChart2DProps.getLabelsAxisExistence()
509: && graphChart2DProps.getLabelsAxisLabelsTexts().length != ((Dataset) datasetsVector
510: .get(0)).getNumCats()) {
511: valid = false;
512: if (debug)
513: System.out
514: .println("Number of labels axis labels must equal number of cats in each dataset");
515: }
516: }
518: //Restriction: If cat coloring and num cats > 0, then cat colors > 0
519: if (valid) {
521: if (graphChart2DProps.getGraphComponentsColoringByCat()
522: && ((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(0)).getNumCats() > 0
523: && graphChart2DProps
524: .getGraphComponentsColorsByCat()
525: .getColorsCustomize()
526: && graphChart2DProps
527: .getGraphComponentsColorsByCat()
528: .getColorsCustom().length < 1) {
529: valid = false;
530: if (debug)
531: System.out
532: .println("Not enough custom colors for cat coloring");
533: }
534: }
536: if (debug) {
537: if (valid)
538: System.out.println("GraphChart2D was valid");
539: else {
540: System.out
541: .println("Possibly unable to check for all invalidities because of early invalidity");
542: System.out.println("GraphChart2D was invalid");
543: }
544: }
546: return valid;
547: }
549: /**
550: * Updates this object.
551: */
552: final void updateGraphChart2D() {
554: if (getNeedsUpdateGraphChart2D()) {
556: needsUpdate = false;
558: updateChart2D();
560: graphChart2DProps.updateGraphChart2D(this );
561: for (int i = 0; i < datasetsVector.size(); ++i) {
562: ((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(i)).updateChart2D(this );
563: }
564: for (int i = 0; i < multiColorsPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
565: ((MultiColorsProperties) multiColorsPropsVector.get(i))
566: .updateObject2D(this );
567: }
568: for (int i = 0; i < graphPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
569: ((GraphProperties) graphPropsVector.get(i))
570: .updateGraphChart2D(this );
571: }
572: for (int i = 0; i < warningRegionPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
573: ((WarningRegionProperties) warningRegionPropsVector
574: .get(i)).updateGraphChart2D(this );
575: }
577: int chartType = getGraphChartType();
578: GraphChartArea graphChart = (GraphChartArea) getObjectArea();
580: //configure chart's data
581: graphChart.setDatasetVector(datasetsVector);
583: //configure chart's graph properties
584: GraphProperties backgroundGraphProps = (GraphProperties) graphPropsVector
585: .get(graphPropsVector.size() - 1);
586: Vector graphVector = new Vector(graphPropsVector.size(), 0);
588: for (int i = graphPropsVector.size() - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
589: GraphArea graph = chartType == LABELS_BOTTOM ? (GraphArea) new LBGraphArea()
590: : (GraphArea) new LLGraphArea();
591: ((GraphProperties) graphPropsVector.get(i))
592: .configureGraphArea(backgroundGraphProps,
593: chartType, graph);
594: graphVector.add(graph);
595: }
597: GraphArea graph = chartType == LABELS_BOTTOM ? (GraphArea) new LBGraphArea()
598: : (GraphArea) new LLGraphArea();
599: backgroundGraphProps.configureGraphArea(chartType, graph);
600: graphVector.add(graph);
602: graphChart.setGraphVector(graphVector);
604: //configure warning regions for background graph only
605: Vector warningRegionsVector = new Vector(
606: warningRegionPropsVector.size(), 0);
607: for (int i = 0; i < warningRegionPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
608: WarningRegion warningRegion = ((WarningRegionProperties) warningRegionPropsVector
609: .get(i)).configureWarningRegion();
610: warningRegion.setGraphType(chartType);
611: warningRegionsVector.add(warningRegion);
613: }
614: graphChart.setWarningRegions(warningRegionsVector);
616: //create color array from multi colors, one color for each set
617: int numSets = getNumSetsTotal();
618: Color[] multiColors = new Color[numSets];
619: int k = 0;
620: for (int i = 0; i < multiColorsPropsVector.size(); ++i) {
621: MultiColorsProperties multiColorsProps = (MultiColorsProperties) multiColorsPropsVector
622: .get(i);
623: int numSetsThis = ((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(i))
624: .getNumSets();
625: Color[] producer = multiColorsProps
626: .getColorsArray(numSetsThis);
627: for (int j = 0; j < producer.length; ++j) {
628: multiColors[k] = producer[j];
629: ++k;
630: }
631: }
632: graphChart.setDatasetColors(multiColors);
634: graphChart.setCustomGreatestValue(graphChart2DProps
635: .getChartDatasetCustomizeGreatestValue(),
636: graphChart2DProps
637: .getChartDatasetCustomGreatestValue());
638: graphChart
639: .setCustomLeastValue(graphChart2DProps
640: .getChartDatasetCustomizeLeastValue(),
641: graphChart2DProps
642: .getChartDatasetCustomLeastValue());
643: graphChart.setGraphableToAvailableRatio(graphChart2DProps
644: .getChartGraphableToAvailableRatio());
645: graphChart.setNumPlotAxisLabels(graphChart2DProps
646: .getNumbersAxisNumLabels());
648: graphChart
649: .setGraphComponentsColoringByCat(graphChart2DProps
650: .getGraphComponentsColoringByCat());
651: if (graphChart2DProps.getGraphComponentsColoringByCat()) {
652: graphChart
653: .setGraphComponentsColorsByCat(graphChart2DProps
654: .getGraphComponentsColorsByCat()
655: .getColorsArray(
656: ((Dataset) datasetsVector
657: .get(0)).getNumCats()));
658: }
660: AxisArea labelsAxis;
661: AxisArea numbersAxis;
662: TextListArea labelsAxisTextList;
663: TextListArea numbersAxisTextList;
664: if (chartType == LABELS_BOTTOM) {
665: labelsAxis = graphChart.getXAxis();
666: numbersAxis = graphChart.getYAxis();
667: labelsAxisTextList = ((XAxisArea) labelsAxis)
668: .getTextList();
669: numbersAxisTextList = ((YAxisArea) numbersAxis)
670: .getTextList();
671: } else {
672: labelsAxis = graphChart.getYAxis();
673: numbersAxis = graphChart.getXAxis();
674: labelsAxisTextList = ((YAxisArea) labelsAxis)
675: .getTextList();
676: numbersAxisTextList = ((XAxisArea) numbersAxis)
677: .getTextList();
678: }
680: labelsAxis.setTicksAlignment(graphChart2DProps
681: .getLabelsAxisTicksAlignment());
682: labelsAxisTextList.setLabels(graphChart2DProps
683: .getLabelsAxisLabelsTexts());
685: labelsAxis.setTitleExistence(graphChart2DProps
686: .getLabelsAxisTitleExistence());
687: labelsAxis.setTitle(graphChart2DProps
688: .getLabelsAxisTitleText());
689: labelsAxis.setFontPointModel(graphChart2DProps
690: .getLabelsAxisTitleFontPointModel());
691: labelsAxis.setFontName(graphChart2DProps
692: .getLabelsAxisTitleFontName());
693: labelsAxis.setFontColor(graphChart2DProps
694: .getLabelsAxisTitleFontColor());
695: labelsAxis.setFontStyle(graphChart2DProps
696: .getLabelsAxisTitleFontStyle());
697: labelsAxis
698: .setBetweenTitleAndSpaceGapExistence(graphChart2DProps
699: .getLabelsAxisTitleBetweenRestGapExistence());
700: labelsAxis
701: .setBetweenTitleAndSpaceGapThicknessModel(graphChart2DProps
702: .getLabelsAxisTitleBetweenRestGapThicknessModel());
703: labelsAxis.setTicksSizeModel(graphChart2DProps
704: .getLabelsAxisTicksExistence() ? graphChart2DProps
705: .getLabelsAxisTicksSizeModel() : new Dimension());
706: labelsAxis.setTicksColor(graphChart2DProps
707: .getLabelsAxisTicksColor());
708: labelsAxisTextList.setBulletsOutline(graphChart2DProps
709: .getLabelsAxisTicksOutlineExistence());
710: labelsAxisTextList.setBulletsOutlineColor(graphChart2DProps
711: .getLabelsAxisTicksOutlineColor());
712: labelsAxisTextList.setFontPointModel(graphChart2DProps
713: .getLabelsAxisLabelsFontPointModel());
714: labelsAxisTextList.setFontName(graphChart2DProps
715: .getLabelsAxisLabelsFontName());
716: labelsAxisTextList.setFontColor(graphChart2DProps
717: .getLabelsAxisLabelsFontColor());
718: labelsAxisTextList.setFontStyle(graphChart2DProps
719: .getLabelsAxisLabelsFontStyle());
720: labelsAxisTextList
721: .setBetweenBulletsGapExistence(graphChart2DProps
722: .getLabelsAxisBetweenLabelsOrTicksGapExistence());
723: labelsAxisTextList
724: .setBetweenLabelsGapExistence(graphChart2DProps
725: .getLabelsAxisBetweenLabelsOrTicksGapExistence());
726: labelsAxisTextList
727: .setBetweenBulletsGapThicknessModel(graphChart2DProps
728: .getLabelsAxisBetweenLabelsOrTicksGapThicknessModel());
729: labelsAxisTextList
730: .setBetweenLabelsGapThicknessModel(graphChart2DProps
731: .getLabelsAxisBetweenLabelsOrTicksGapThicknessModel());
732: labelsAxisTextList
733: .setBetweenBulletsAndLabelsGapExistence(graphChart2DProps
734: .getLabelsAxisBetweenLabelsAndTicksGapExistence());
735: labelsAxisTextList
736: .setBetweenBulletsAndLabelsGapThicknessModel(graphChart2DProps
737: .getLabelsAxisBetweenLabelsAndTicksGapThicknessModel());
739: if (!graphChart2DProps.getLabelsAxisExistence()) {
740: int numCats = ((Dataset) datasetsVector.get(0))
741: .getNumCats();
742: labelsAxis.setTitleExistence(false);
743: labelsAxisTextList
744: .setBetweenBulletsAndLabelsGapExistence(false);
745: labelsAxisTextList.setBetweenBulletsGapExistence(false);
746: labelsAxisTextList.setBetweenLabelsGapExistence(false);
747: labelsAxisTextList.setBulletsSizeModel(new Dimension());
748: labelsAxisTextList.setFontPointModel(0);
749: String[] labels = new String[numCats];
750: for (int i = 0; i < numCats; ++i)
751: labels[i] = "";
752: labelsAxisTextList.setLabels(labels);
753: }
755: numbersAxis.setTitleExistence(graphChart2DProps
756: .getNumbersAxisTitleExistence());
757: numbersAxis.setTitle(graphChart2DProps
758: .getNumbersAxisTitleText());
759: numbersAxis.setFontPointModel(graphChart2DProps
760: .getNumbersAxisTitleFontPointModel());
761: numbersAxis.setFontName(graphChart2DProps
762: .getNumbersAxisTitleFontName());
763: numbersAxis.setFontColor(graphChart2DProps
764: .getNumbersAxisTitleFontColor());
765: numbersAxis.setFontStyle(graphChart2DProps
766: .getNumbersAxisTitleFontStyle());
767: numbersAxis
768: .setBetweenTitleAndSpaceGapExistence(graphChart2DProps
769: .getNumbersAxisTitleBetweenRestGapExistence());
770: numbersAxis
771: .setBetweenTitleAndSpaceGapThicknessModel(graphChart2DProps
772: .getNumbersAxisTitleBetweenRestGapThicknessModel());
773: numbersAxis.setTicksSizeModel(graphChart2DProps
774: .getNumbersAxisTicksExistence() ? graphChart2DProps
775: .getNumbersAxisTicksSizeModel() : new Dimension());
776: numbersAxis.setTicksColor(graphChart2DProps
777: .getNumbersAxisTicksColor());
778: numbersAxisTextList.setBulletsOutline(graphChart2DProps
779: .getNumbersAxisTicksOutlineExistence());
780: numbersAxisTextList
781: .setBulletsOutlineColor(graphChart2DProps
782: .getNumbersAxisTicksOutlineColor());
783: numbersAxisTextList.setFontPointModel(graphChart2DProps
784: .getNumbersAxisLabelsFontPointModel());
785: numbersAxisTextList.setFontName(graphChart2DProps
786: .getNumbersAxisLabelsFontName());
787: numbersAxisTextList.setFontColor(graphChart2DProps
788: .getNumbersAxisLabelsFontColor());
789: numbersAxisTextList.setFontStyle(graphChart2DProps
790: .getNumbersAxisLabelsFontStyle());
791: numbersAxisTextList
792: .setBetweenBulletsGapExistence(graphChart2DProps
793: .getNumbersAxisBetweenLabelsOrTicksGapExistence());
794: numbersAxisTextList
795: .setBetweenLabelsGapExistence(graphChart2DProps
796: .getNumbersAxisBetweenLabelsOrTicksGapExistence());
797: numbersAxisTextList
798: .setBetweenBulletsGapThicknessModel(graphChart2DProps
799: .getNumbersAxisBetweenLabelsOrTicksGapThicknessModel());
800: numbersAxisTextList
801: .setBetweenLabelsGapThicknessModel(graphChart2DProps
802: .getNumbersAxisBetweenLabelsOrTicksGapThicknessModel());
803: numbersAxisTextList
804: .setBetweenBulletsAndLabelsGapExistence(graphChart2DProps
805: .getNumbersAxisBetweenLabelsAndTicksGapExistence());
806: numbersAxisTextList
807: .setBetweenBulletsAndLabelsGapThicknessModel(graphChart2DProps
808: .getNumbersAxisBetweenLabelsAndTicksGapThicknessModel());
809: }
810: }
811: }