Method Summary |
final void | addObject2D(Object2D object2D) Adds an Object2D to the set of objects using these properties. |
final boolean | getObject2DNeedsUpdate(Object2D object2D) Gets whether this object needs to be updated with new properties.
Parameters: object2D - The object that may need to be updated. |
final public Color | getObjectBackgroundColor() Gets the color of the background for the object. |
final public boolean | getObjectBackgroundExistence() Gets whether the object will have a painted background or not.
If not, then the background of the content pane to which the object was
added will show through which by default is gray, or if the object was not
added to a content pane but only a BufferedImage of the object is obtained,
then the background will be the default background of BufferedImage which
is black. |
final public int | getObjectBackgroundLightSource() Gets the light source of the object's background.
If there is a light source, the side of the source will be one shade brighter than the
specified background color. |
final public Color | getObjectBorderColor() Gets the color of the object's border. |
final public boolean | getObjectBorderExistence() Gets whether a border around the object will exist. |
final public int | getObjectBorderThicknessModel() Gets the thickness of the border for the model size of the object. |
final public boolean | getObjectGapExistence() Gets whether a gap between the border or edge of the object and the object's interior components
exists. |
final public int | getObjectGapThicknessModel() Gets the thickness of the object's gap for the model size of the object. |
final public boolean | getObjectMagnifyWhenResize() Gets whether a object's components will grow or shrink as the size of the space allocated to
the object grows or shrinks. |
final public boolean | getObjectTitleBetweenRestGapExistence() Gets whether a gap below the title and the rest of the object's components exists. |
final public int | getObjectTitleBetweenRestGapThicknessModel() Gets the thickness of the gap below the title and the rest of the object's components for
the object's model size. |
final public boolean | getObjectTitleExistence() Gets whether the object is to have a title. |
final public Color | getObjectTitleFontColor() Gets the color of the font for the object's title. |
final public String | getObjectTitleFontName() Gets the name of the font for the object's title. |
final public int | getObjectTitleFontPointModel() Gets the point of the font of the title for the object at its model size. |
final public int | getObjectTitleFontStyle() Gets the style of the font for the object's title. |
final public String | getObjectTitleText() Gets the text for the object's title. |
final void | removeObject2D(Object2D object2D) Removes a Object2D from the set of objects using these properties. |
final public void | setObject2DProperties(Object2DProperties object2DProps) Sets all properties to be the values of another Object2DProperties object. |
final public void | setObject2DPropertiesToDefaults() Sets all properties to their default values. |
final public void | setObjectBackgroundColor(Color color) Sets the color of the background for the object. |
final public void | setObjectBackgroundExistence(boolean existence) Sets whether the object will have a painted background or not.
If not, then the background of the content pane to which the object was
added will show through which by default is gray, or if the object was not
added to a content pane but only a BufferedImage of the object is obtained,
then the background will be the default background of BufferedImage which
is black. |
final public void | setObjectBackgroundLightSource(int source) Sets the light source of the object's background.
If there is a light source, the side of the source will be one shade brighter than the
specified background color. |
final public void | setObjectBorderColor(Color color) Sets the color of the object's border. |
final public void | setObjectBorderExistence(boolean existence) Sets whether a border around the object will exist. |
final public void | setObjectBorderThicknessModel(int thickness) Sets the thickness of the border for the model size of the object. |
final public void | setObjectGapExistence(boolean existence) Sets whether a gap between the border or edge of the object and the object's interior
components exists. |
final public void | setObjectGapThicknessModel(int thickness) Sets the thickness of the object's gap for the model size of the object. |
final public void | setObjectMagnifyWhenResize(boolean magnify) Sets whether a object's components will grow or shrink as the size of
the space allocated to the object grows or shrinks.
The Object's preferred size will be the model size (i.e. |
final public void | setObjectTitleBetweenRestGapExistence(boolean existence) Sets whether a gap below the title and the rest of the object's components exists. |
final public void | setObjectTitleBetweenRestGapThicknessModel(int thickness) Sets the thickness of the gap below the title and the rest of the object's components for
the object's model size. |
final public void | setObjectTitleExistence(boolean existence) Sets whether the object is to have a title. |
final public void | setObjectTitleFontColor(Color color) Sets the color of the font for the object's title. |
final public void | setObjectTitleFontName(String name) Sets the name of the font for the object's title. |
final public void | setObjectTitleFontPointModel(int point) Sets the point of the font of the title for the object at its model size. |
final public void | setObjectTitleFontStyle(int style) Sets the style of the font for the object's title. |
final public void | setObjectTitleText(String text) Sets the text for the object's title. |
final void | updateObject2D(Object2D object2D) Updates the properties of this Object2D. |
final boolean | validate(boolean debug) Validates the properties of this object.
If debug is true then prints a messages indicating whether each property is valid.
Returns true if all the properties were valid and false otherwise.
Parameters: debug - If true then will print status messages. |