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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Chart » Chart2D_1.9.6k » net.sourceforge.chart2d 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        /**
002:         * Chart2D, a java library for drawing two dimensional charts.
003:         * Copyright (C) 2001 Jason J. Simas
004:         *
005:         * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
006:         * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
007:         * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
008:         * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
009:         *
010:         * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
011:         * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
013:         * Lesser General Public License for more details.
014:         * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
015:         * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
016:         * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
017:         *
018:         * The author of this library may be contacted at:
019:         * E-mail:
020:         * Street Address:  J J Simas, 887 Tico Road, Ojai, CA 93023-3555 USA
021:         */package net.sourceforge.chart2d;
023:        import java.awt.*;
024:        import java.util.*;
025:        import java.awt.font.*;
026:        import java.awt.geom.*;
027:        import java.text.*;
029:        /**
030:         * A customizable text label.  This label has built-int bordering, spacing
031:         * between borders and text, text rotation, line breaking, auto justification
032:         * within the borders, growing and shrinking, and auto locating.  Much of this
033:         * functionality is provided by its super classes.<br>
034:         * Note:  Does not support null values.  Pass empty strings instead.
035:         */
036:        final class TextArea extends FontArea {
038:            private String text;
039:            private Vector textLayouts;
040:            private boolean rotateLeft;
041:            private int textJustification;
042:            private boolean needsUpdate;
044:            /**
045:             * Creates a new text area with the following default values:
046:             * setText ("");<br>
047:             * setRotateLeft (false);<br>
048:             * setTextJustification (CENTER);<br>
049:             * resetTextAreaModel (true);<br>
050:             */
051:            TextArea() {
053:                setText("");
054:                setRotateLeft(false);
055:                setTextJustification(CENTER);
056:                resetTextAreaModel(true);
057:                needsUpdate = true;
058:            }
060:            /**
061:             * Changes the text of this label.
062:             * @param t The new text.
063:             */
064:            final void setText(String t) {
066:                needsUpdate = true;
067:                text = t;
068:            }
070:            /**
071:             * Adjusts the rotation of the text within the label.  If not rotated, text
072:             * runs from left to right, top to bottom of the are.  If rotate, text runs
073:             * from bottom to top, left to right.  The text is rotated -90 degree.  Even
074:             * when rotate, the location or origin of this label is always the top left
075:             * corner of it, however, the text's actual origin is near the bottom left
076:             * corner.
077:             * @param r If true, then adjusts settings so that text is rotated.
078:             */
079:            final void setRotateLeft(boolean r) {
081:                needsUpdate = true;
082:                rotateLeft = r;
083:            }
085:            /**
086:             * Specifies whether text will be (in the case text is not rotated) left,
087:             * right, or center justified respective to the space within the bordered
088:             * area.  In the case text is rotated, then bottom, top or center
089:             * justification is available.  This only adjusts the horizontal
090:             * justification, or in the case of rotated text, the vertical justification.
091:             * @param which Which justification for the text.  Possible values, if not
092:             * rotated: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER; if rotated: BOTTOM, TOP, CENTER.  Also,
093:             * if you prefer and when rotated, LEFT and RIGHT may be used to mean BOTTOM
094:             * and TOP respectively; this program translates them into BOTTOM and TOP for
095:             * you.
096:             */
097:            final void setTextJustification(int which) {
099:                needsUpdate = true;
100:                if (which == TOP)
101:                    textJustification = RIGHT;
102:                else if (which == BOTTOM)
103:                    textJustification = LEFT;
104:                else
105:                    textJustification = which;
106:            }
108:            /**
109:             * Returns the text of this label.
110:             * @return The label's text.
111:             */
112:            final String getText() {
114:                return text;
115:            }
117:            /**
118:             * Returns whether this text is rotated left 90 degrees.
119:             * @return If rotated, then true.
120:             */
121:            final boolean getRotateLeft() {
123:                return rotateLeft;
124:            }
126:            /**
127:             * Indicates whether some property of this class has changed.
128:             * @return True if some property has changed.
129:             */
130:            final boolean getTextAreaNeedsUpdate() {
132:                return (needsUpdate || getFontAreaNeedsUpdate());
133:            }
135:            /**
136:             * Updates all the variables of all this parent's classes, then all the
137:             * variables of this class.
138:             * @param g2D The graphics context under which to make calculations.
139:             */
140:            final void updateTextArea(Graphics2D g2D) {
142:                if (getTextAreaNeedsUpdate()) {
143:                    updateFontArea();
144:                    update(g2D);
145:                }
146:                needsUpdate = false;
147:            }
149:            /**
150:             * Resets the model for this class.  The model is used for shrinking and
151:             * growing of its components based on the maximum size of this class.  If this
152:             * method is called, then the next time the maximum size is set, this classes
153:             * model maximum size will be made equal to the new maximum size.  Effectively
154:             * what this does is ensure that whenever this objects maximum size is equal
155:             * to the one given, then all of the components will take on their default
156:             * model sizes.  Note:  This is only useful when auto model max sizing is
157:             * disabled.
158:             * @param reset True causes the max model size to be set upon the next max
159:             * sizing.
160:             */
161:            final void resetTextAreaModel(boolean reset) {
163:                needsUpdate = true;
164:                resetFontAreaModel(reset);
165:            }
167:            /**
168:             * Paints all of the components of this class.  First all the variables are
169:             * updated.  Then all the components are painted.
170:             * @param g2D The graphics context for calculations and painting.
171:             */
172:            final void paintComponent(Graphics2D g2D) {
174:                updateTextArea(g2D);
175:                super .paintComponent(g2D);
177:                Color oldColor = g2D.getColor();
178:                g2D.setColor(getFontColor());
180:                int delta = 0;
181:                int count = textLayouts.size();
182:                for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
184:                    TextLayout layout = (TextLayout) textLayouts.get(i);
185:                    Shape shape = layout.getOutline(new AffineTransform());
186:                    int ascent = (int) Math.abs(shape.getBounds().y);
187:                    int descent = shape.getBounds().height - ascent;
188:                    int height = ascent + descent;
189:                    int leading = (int) layout.getLeading();
191:                    if (!rotateLeft) {
193:                        int clipHeight = delta + height > getSpaceSize(MIN).height ? getSpaceSize(MIN).height
194:                                - delta
195:                                : height;
196:                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
197:                                getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).x,
198:                                getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).y + delta,
199:                                getSpaceSize(MIN).width, clipHeight);
200:                        g2D.clip(rect);
201:                        int translateX;
202:                        if (textJustification == LEFT) {
203:                            translateX = getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).x
204:                                    - shape.getBounds().x;
205:                        } else if (textJustification == RIGHT) {
206:                            translateX = getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).x
207:                                    + getSpaceSize(MIN).width
208:                                    - shape.getBounds().width
209:                                    - shape.getBounds().x;
210:                        } else {
211:                            translateX = getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).x
212:                                    + (getSpaceSize(MIN).width - shape
213:                                            .getBounds().width) / 2
214:                                    - shape.getBounds().x;
215:                        }
216:                        int translateY = getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).y + delta
217:                                + ascent;
218:                        g2D.translate(translateX, translateY);
219:                        g2D.fill(shape);
221:                        g2D.setClip(null);
222:                        g2D.translate(-translateX, -translateY);
223:                        delta = delta + height + leading;
224:                    } else {
226:                        int clipHeight = delta + height > getSpaceSize(MIN).width ? getSpaceSize(MIN).width
227:                                - delta
228:                                : height;
229:                        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
230:                                getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).x + delta,
231:                                getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).y, clipHeight,
232:                                getSpaceSize(MIN).height);
233:                        g2D.clip(rect);
234:                        int translateX = getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).x + delta
235:                                + ascent;
236:                        int translateY;
237:                        if (textJustification == LEFT) {
238:                            translateY = getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).y
239:                                    + getSpaceSize(MIN).height
240:                                    + shape.getBounds().x;
241:                        } else if (textJustification == RIGHT) {
242:                            translateY = getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).y
243:                                    + shape.getBounds().width
244:                                    + shape.getBounds().x;
245:                        } else {
246:                            translateY = getSpaceSizeLocation(MIN).y
247:                                    + (getSpaceSize(MIN).height + shape
248:                                            .getBounds().width) / 2
249:                                    + shape.getBounds().x;
250:                        }
251:                        g2D.translate(translateX, translateY);
252:                        g2D.rotate(Math.toRadians(-90d));
253:                        g2D.fill(shape);
255:                        g2D.setClip(null);
256:                        g2D.rotate(Math.toRadians(90d));
257:                        g2D.translate(-translateX, -translateY);
258:                        delta = delta + height + leading;
259:                    }
260:                }
262:                g2D.setColor(oldColor);
263:            }
265:            private void update(Graphics2D g2D) {
267:                int greatestAdvance = 0;
268:                int lineBreaksMeasurement = 0;
269:                int leading = 0;
270:                textLayouts = new Vector(0, 1);
271:                if (text.length() > 0) {
272:                    int wrapping = !rotateLeft ? getSpaceSize(MAX).width
273:                            : getSpaceSize(MAX).height;
274:                    int mockWrapping = wrapping;
275:                    boolean fits = true;
276:                    AttributedString attributedString = new AttributedString(
277:                            text, getFont().getAttributes());
278:                    AttributedCharacterIterator attributedCharacterIterator = attributedString
279:                            .getIterator();
280:                    FontRenderContext fontRenderContext = g2D
281:                            .getFontRenderContext();
282:                    for (;;) {
283:                        LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(
284:                                attributedCharacterIterator, fontRenderContext);
285:                        textLayouts = new Vector(0, 1);
286:                        greatestAdvance = 0;
287:                        lineBreaksMeasurement = 0;
288:                        for (TextLayout layout = measurer
289:                                .nextLayout(mockWrapping); layout != null; layout = measurer
290:                                .nextLayout(mockWrapping)) {
291:                            textLayouts.add(layout);
292:                            Shape shape = layout
293:                                    .getOutline(new AffineTransform());
294:                            int width = shape.getBounds().width;
295:                            greatestAdvance = greatestAdvance < width ? width
296:                                    : greatestAdvance;
297:                            int ascent = (int) Math.abs(shape.getBounds().y);
298:                            int descent = shape.getBounds().height - ascent;
299:                            int height = ascent + descent;
300:                            leading = (int) layout.getLeading();
301:                            lineBreaksMeasurement = lineBreaksMeasurement
302:                                    + height + leading;
304:                        }
305:                        lineBreaksMeasurement -= leading;
307:                        if (lineBreaksMeasurement > (!rotateLeft ? getSpaceSize(MAX).height
308:                                : getSpaceSize(MAX).width)) {
309:                            fits = false;
310:                            greatestAdvance = 0;
311:                            lineBreaksMeasurement = 0;
312:                            textLayouts = new Vector(0, 1);
313:                            break;
314:                        } else if (greatestAdvance > wrapping) {
315:                            mockWrapping = mockWrapping
316:                                    - (greatestAdvance - mockWrapping);
317:                            if (mockWrapping <= 0) {
318:                                fits = false;
319:                                greatestAdvance = 0;
320:                                lineBreaksMeasurement = 0;
321:                                textLayouts = new Vector(0, 1);
322:                                break;
323:                            }
324:                            //else loop again
325:                        } else
326:                            break; //it fits
327:                    }
328:                }
330:                if (!getAutoSize(MIN)) {
331:                    if (!rotateLeft) {
332:                        setSpaceSize(MIN, new Dimension(greatestAdvance,
333:                                lineBreaksMeasurement));
334:                    } else {
335:                        setSpaceSize(MIN, new Dimension(lineBreaksMeasurement,
336:                                greatestAdvance));
337:                    }
338:                    updateFontArea();
339:                }
340:            }
341:        } | Contact Us
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