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final class TextArea extends FontArea (Code)
A customizable text label. This label has built-int bordering, spacing between borders and text, text rotation, line breaking, auto justification within the borders, growing and shrinking, and auto locating. Much of this functionality is provided by its super classes.
Note: Does not support null values. Pass empty strings instead.

Constructor Summary

Method Summary
final  booleangetRotateLeft()
     Returns whether this text is rotated left 90 degrees.
final  StringgetText()
     Returns the text of this label.
final  booleangetTextAreaNeedsUpdate()
     Indicates whether some property of this class has changed.
final  voidpaintComponent(Graphics2D g2D)
     Paints all of the components of this class.
final  voidresetTextAreaModel(boolean reset)
     Resets the model for this class.
final  voidsetRotateLeft(boolean r)
     Adjusts the rotation of the text within the label.
final  voidsetText(String t)
     Changes the text of this label.
final  voidsetTextJustification(int which)
     Specifies whether text will be (in the case text is not rotated) left, right, or center justified respective to the space within the bordered area.
final  voidupdateTextArea(Graphics2D g2D)
     Updates all the variables of all this parent's classes, then all the variables of this class.

Constructor Detail
Creates a new text area with the following default values: setText ("");
setRotateLeft (false);
setTextJustification (CENTER);
resetTextAreaModel (true);

Method Detail
final boolean getRotateLeft()(Code)
Returns whether this text is rotated left 90 degrees. If rotated, then true.

final String getText()(Code)
Returns the text of this label. The label's text.

final boolean getTextAreaNeedsUpdate()(Code)
Indicates whether some property of this class has changed. True if some property has changed.

final void paintComponent(Graphics2D g2D)(Code)
Paints all of the components of this class. First all the variables are updated. Then all the components are painted.
  g2D - The graphics context for calculations and painting.

final void resetTextAreaModel(boolean reset)(Code)
Resets the model for this class. The model is used for shrinking and growing of its components based on the maximum size of this class. If this method is called, then the next time the maximum size is set, this classes model maximum size will be made equal to the new maximum size. Effectively what this does is ensure that whenever this objects maximum size is equal to the one given, then all of the components will take on their default model sizes. Note: This is only useful when auto model max sizing is disabled.
  reset - True causes the max model size to be set upon the next maxsizing.

final void setRotateLeft(boolean r)(Code)
Adjusts the rotation of the text within the label. If not rotated, text runs from left to right, top to bottom of the are. If rotate, text runs from bottom to top, left to right. The text is rotated -90 degree. Even when rotate, the location or origin of this label is always the top left corner of it, however, the text's actual origin is near the bottom left corner.
  r - If true, then adjusts settings so that text is rotated.

final void setText(String t)(Code)
Changes the text of this label.
  t - The new text.

final void setTextJustification(int which)(Code)
Specifies whether text will be (in the case text is not rotated) left, right, or center justified respective to the space within the bordered area. In the case text is rotated, then bottom, top or center justification is available. This only adjusts the horizontal justification, or in the case of rotated text, the vertical justification.
  which - Which justification for the text. Possible values, if notrotated: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER; if rotated: BOTTOM, TOP, CENTER. Also,if you prefer and when rotated, LEFT and RIGHT may be used to mean BOTTOMand TOP respectively; this program translates them into BOTTOM and TOP foryou.

final void updateTextArea(Graphics2D g2D)(Code)
Updates all the variables of all this parent's classes, then all the variables of this class.
  g2D - The graphics context under which to make calculations.

Methods inherited from net.sourceforge.chart2d.FontArea
final Font getFont()(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getFontAreaNeedsUpdate()(Code)(Java Doc)
final Color getFontColor()(Code)(Java Doc)
final String getFontName()(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getFontPointModel()(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getFontStyle()(Code)(Java Doc)
void paintComponent(Graphics2D g2D)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void resetFontAreaModel(boolean reset)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setFontColor(Color c)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setFontName(String n)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setFontPointModel(int p)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setFontStyle(int s)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void updateFontArea()(Code)(Java Doc)

Fields inherited from net.sourceforge.chart2d.Area
final static int BETWEEN(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int BOTTOM(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int CENTER(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int CENTERED(Code)(Java Doc)
static float[] CONTINUOUS(Code)(Java Doc)
static float[] DASHED(Code)(Java Doc)
static float[] DOTTED(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int HEIGHT(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int HORIZONTAL(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LABELSBOTTOM(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LABELSLEFT(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LEFT(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LEFTBOTTOM(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LEFTRIGHT(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LEFTTOP(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int LESSER(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int MAX(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int MAXMODEL(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int MIN(Code)(Java Doc)
static int NONE(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int RIGHT(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int RIGHTBOTTOM(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int RIGHTTOP(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TOP(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int TOPBOTTOM(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int VERTICAL(Code)(Java Doc)
final static int WIDTH(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from net.sourceforge.chart2d.Area
final int applyRatio(int model, float ratio)(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getAreaNeedsUpdate()(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getAutoSize(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final Color getBackgroundColor()(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getBackgroundExistence()(Code)(Java Doc)
final Color getBorderColor()(Code)(Java Doc)
final Color getBorderColor(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getBorderExistence()(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getBorderExistence(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getBorderThickness(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getBorderThickness()(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getBorderThicknessModel()(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getBorderThicknessModel(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getGapExistence()(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getGapExistence(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getGapThickness()(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getGapThickness(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getGapThicknessModel()(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getJustifications(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
int getLightSource()(Code)(Java Doc)
final int getOffsetThickness()(Code)(Java Doc)
final float getRatio(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final boolean getResetAreaModel()(Code)(Java Doc)
final Dimension getSize(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final Point getSizeLocation(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final Dimension getSpaceSize(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
final Point getSpaceSizeLocation(int which)(Code)(Java Doc)
void paintComponent(Graphics2D g2D)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void resetAreaModel(boolean reset)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setAutoJustifys(boolean horizontal, boolean vertical)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setAutoSizes(boolean maxModel, boolean min)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBackgroundColor(Color color)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBackgroundExistence(boolean existence)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBorderAssociations(boolean leftRight, boolean leftTop, boolean leftBottom, boolean rightTop, boolean rightBottom, boolean topBottom)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBorderColor(Color color)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBorderColors(Color left, Color right, Color top, Color bottom)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBorderCornerAssociations(int leftTop, int leftBottom, int rightTop, int rightBottom)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBorderExistence(boolean existences)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBorderExistences(boolean left, boolean right, boolean top, boolean bottom)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBorderThicknessModel(int thickness)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setBorderThicknessModels(int left, int right, int top, int bottom)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setCustomRatio(int which, boolean customize, float ratio)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setGapAssociations(boolean leftRight, boolean leftTop, boolean leftBottom, boolean rightTop, boolean rightBottom, boolean topBottom)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setGapExistence(boolean existence)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setGapExistences(boolean left, boolean right, boolean top, boolean bottom)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setGapThicknessModel(int thickness)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setGapThicknessModels(int left, int right, int top, int bottom)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setJustifications(int horizontal, int vertical)(Code)(Java Doc)
void setLightSource(int source)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setLockRatios(boolean lock)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setSize(int which, Dimension size)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setSizeLocation(int which, Point location)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setSpaceSize(int which, Dimension size)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void setSpaceSizeLocation(int which, Point location)(Code)(Java Doc)
final void updateArea()(Code)(Java Doc)

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object
native protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code)(Java Doc)
public boolean equals(Object obj)(Code)(Java Doc)
protected void finalize() throws Throwable(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public Class getClass()(Code)(Java Doc)
native public int hashCode()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notify()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void notifyAll()(Code)(Java Doc)
public String toString()(Code)(Java Doc)
final native public void wait(long timeout) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait(long timeout, int nanos) throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc)
final public void wait() throws InterruptedException(Code)(Java Doc) | Contact Us
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