| org.jfree.data.junit.KeyedObjectsTests
KeyedObjectsTests | public class KeyedObjectsTests extends TestCase (Code) | | Tests for the
KeyedObjects class.
Method Summary | |
protected void | setUp() Common test setup. | public static Test | suite() Returns the tests as a test suite. | public void | testCloning() Confirm that cloning works. | public void | testInsertAndRetrieve() Check that inserting and retrieving values works as expected. | public void | testSerialization() Serialize an instance, restore it, and check for equality. |
KeyedObjectsTests | public KeyedObjectsTests(String name)(Code) | | Constructs a new set of tests.
Parameters: name - the name of the tests. |
setUp | protected void setUp()(Code) | | Common test setup.
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | | Returns the tests as a test suite.
The test suite. |
testCloning | public void testCloning()(Code) | | Confirm that cloning works.
testInsertAndRetrieve | public void testInsertAndRetrieve()(Code) | | Check that inserting and retrieving values works as expected.
testSerialization | public void testSerialization()(Code) | | Serialize an instance, restore it, and check for equality.