| org.jfree.experimental.chart.swt.editor.SWTAxisEditor org.jfree.experimental.chart.swt.editor.SWTNumberAxisEditor
SWTNumberAxisEditor | public SWTNumberAxisEditor(Composite parent, int style, NumberAxis axis)(Code) | | Creates a new editor.
Parameters: parent - the parent. Parameters: style - the style. Parameters: axis - the axis. |
focusGained | public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)(Code) | | |
focusLost | public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)(Code) | | |
setAxisProperties | public void setAxisProperties(Axis axis)(Code) | | Sets the properties of the specified axis to match
the properties defined on this panel.
Parameters: axis - the axis. |
toggleAutoRange | public void toggleAutoRange()(Code) | | Toggle the auto range setting.
validateMaximum | public boolean validateMaximum(String candidate)(Code) | | Revalidate the range maximum:
it should be greater than the current minimum
Parameters: candidate - the maximum value A boolean. |
validateMinimum | public boolean validateMinimum(String candidate)(Code) | | Revalidate the range minimum:
it should be less than the current maximum.
Parameters: candidate - the minimum value A boolean. |