Provides a wrapper for the 'MethodSets' element in the aggregate XML file. An instance of a
MethodSetsElement represents elements in a MethodSets.
An example of a 'MethodSets' as a MethodSetsElement with no 'MethodSet's:
<MethodSets tested="0" untested="0" oneline="0" constructor="0" timestamp=""/>
An example of a 'MethodSets' as a MethodSetsElement with 'MethodSet's:
<MethodSets tested="1" untested="0" oneline="0">
<MethodSet class="String" package="java.lang" tested="1" untested="0" oneline="0"
constructor="0" timestamp="">
<Method name="indexOf" package="java.lang.String">
<Parameter type="java.lang.String"/>
<Parameter type="int"/>
author: Joy M. Agustin version: $Id:,v 1.1 2004/11/07 00:32:39 timshadel Exp $ |