| java.lang.Object org.incava.analysis.Analyzer
All known Subclasses: org.incava.doctorj.DocAnalyzer,
Analyzer | public class Analyzer (Code) | | Bridge between violations and reports.
Constructor Summary | |
public | Analyzer(Report r) Creates an analyzer with a report. |
Analyzer | public Analyzer(Report r)(Code) | | Creates an analyzer with a report.
Parameters: r - The report that this analyzer sends violations to. |
addViolation | public void addViolation(String message, Token token)(Code) | | Adds a violation with a single token.
Parameters: message - The violation message. Parameters: token - The token to which the violation applies. |
addViolation | public void addViolation(String message, Token firstToken, Token lastToken)(Code) | | Adds a violation spanning from one token to another.
Parameters: message - The violation message. Parameters: firstToken - The first token this violation spans. Parameters: lastToken - The last token this violation spans, inclusive. |
addViolation | public void addViolation(String message, Location start, Location end)(Code) | | Adds a violation from one location to another.
Parameters: message - The violation message. Parameters: start - Where this violation begins. Parameters: end - Where this violation ends, inclusive. |
addViolation | public void addViolation(String message, int beginLine, int beginColumn, int endLine, int endColumn)(Code) | | Adds a violation from a beginning position to an ending position.
Parameters: message - The violation message. Parameters: beginLine - The line where this violation begins. Parameters: beginColumn - The column where this violation begins. Parameters: endLine - The line where this violation ends. Parameters: endColumn - The column where this violation ends. |
getReport | protected Report getReport()(Code) | | Returns the report used by this analyzer.