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| java.lang.Object org.hammurapi.inspectors.metrics.callertrace.TracedMethod
TracedMethod | public class TracedMethod (Code) | | author: mucbj0 author: To change the template for this generated type comment go to author: Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments |
getKeyMethodList | public SortedMap getKeyMethodList()(Code) | | Returns the headKeyMethodList. |
innerCheckForSiblings | public void innerCheckForSiblings(String[] key)(Code) | | Parameters: key - this |
isEndpoint | public boolean isEndpoint()(Code) | | |
isKey | public boolean isKey()(Code) | | |
setEndpointTrue | public void setEndpointTrue()(Code) | | |
setIsKeyTrue | public void setIsKeyTrue()(Code) | | |
setKeyMethodList | public void setKeyMethodList(SortedMap headKeyMethodList)(Code) | | Parameters: headKeyMethodList - The headKeyMethodList to set. |
setSearchKey | public void setSearchKey(String string)(Code) | | Parameters: string - |