| net.sourceforge.pmd.RuleChainVisitor
All known Subclasses: net.sourceforge.pmd.AbstractRuleChainVisitor,
RuleChainVisitor | public interface RuleChainVisitor (Code) | | The RuleChainVisitor understands how to visit an AST for a particular
add | void add(Rule rule)(Code) | | Add the given rule to the visitor.
Parameters: rule - The rule to add. |
visitAll | void visitAll(List<CompilationUnit> astCompilationUnits, RuleContext ctx)(Code) | | Visit all the given ASTCompilationUnits provided using the given
RuleContext. Every Rule added will visit the AST as appropriate.
Parameters: astCompilationUnits - The ASTCompilationUnits to visit. Parameters: ctx - The RuleContext. |