A console renderer with optional color support under *nix systems.
file: ./src/gilot/Test.java
src: Test.java:12
rule: AtLeastOneConstructor
msg: Each class should declare at least one constructor
code: public class Test
file: ./src/gilot/log/format/LogInterpreter.java
src: LogInterpreter.java:317
rule: AvoidDuplicateLiterals
msg: The same String literal appears 4 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 317
code: logger.error( "missing attribute 'app_arg' in rule '" + ((Element)element.getParent()).getAttributeValue( "name" ) + "'" );
src: LogInterpreter.java:317
rule: AvoidDuplicateLiterals
msg: The same String literal appears 5 times in this file; the first occurrence is on line 317
code: logger.error( "missing attribute 'app_arg' in rule '" + ((Element)element.getParent()).getAttributeValue( "name" ) + "'" );
warnings: 3
Colorization is turned on by supplying -Dpmd.color - any value other than
'0' or 'false', enables color - including an empty value (''). Nota Bene:
colorization is atm only supported under *nix terminals accepting ansi escape
sequences, such as xterm, rxvt et cetera.