| |
| java.lang.Object org.jacorb.idl.runtime.lr_parser org.jacorb.idl.parser
Constructor Summary | |
public | parser() |
_action_table | final protected static short[][] _action_table(Code) | | parse action table
_production_table | final protected static short _production_table(Code) | | production table
_reduce_table | final protected static short[][] _reduce_table(Code) | | reduce_goto table
action_obj | protected CUP$actions action_obj(Code) | | instance of action encapsulation class
addbackend | protected static boolean addbackend(Code) | | |
cldc10 | protected static boolean cldc10(Code) | | |
compiler_version | final public static String compiler_version(Code) | | |
currentVersion | final public static String currentVersion(Code) | | |
done_parsing | public static boolean done_parsing(Code) | | used for internal checking that name conversion
to mapped Java names is done only after parsing
forceOverwrite | protected static boolean forceOverwrite(Code) | | |
generateDiiStubs | protected static boolean generateDiiStubs(Code) | | |
generateEnhanced | static boolean generateEnhanced(Code) | | |
generateIR | public static boolean generateIR(Code) | | |
generateIncluded | protected static boolean generateIncluded(Code) | | |
generate_ami_callback | public static boolean generate_ami_callback(Code) | | |
generate_ami_polling | public static boolean generate_ami_polling(Code) | | |
generate_skeletons | public static boolean generate_skeletons(Code) | | |
generate_stubs | public static boolean generate_stubs(Code) | | |
include_state | public static boolean include_state(Code) | | compiler flags
inhibitionState | protected static boolean inhibitionState(Code) | | |
localityContraint | protected static boolean localityContraint(Code) | | |
parse_only | static boolean parse_only(Code) | | |
sloppy | public static boolean sloppy(Code) | | |
strict_attributes | public static boolean strict_attributes(Code) | | |
strict_inheritance | public static boolean strict_inheritance(Code) | | these two are to work around buggy IDL generated by Sun's rmic in JDK 1.4
strict_names | public static boolean strict_names(Code) | | |
useUncheckedNarrow | protected static boolean useUncheckedNarrow(Code) | | |
parser | public parser()(Code) | | constructor
EOF_sym | public int EOF_sym()(Code) | | EOF symbol index
action_table | public short[][] action_table()(Code) | | access to parse action table
activeParseThreads | public static synchronized int activeParseThreads()(Code) | | |
addI2JPackage | static void addI2JPackage(String mapping)(Code) | | |
closeScope | public static void closeScope(Scope symbol)(Code) | | called from within the parser whenever parsing a scope
symbol is complete
compileAndHandle | public static boolean compileAndHandle(String argv)(Code) | | |
decActiveParseThreads | public static synchronized void decActiveParseThreads()(Code) | | |
error_sym | public int error_sym()(Code) | | error symbol index
generateIncluded | public static boolean generateIncluded()(Code) | | |
getInhibitionState | public static boolean getInhibitionState()(Code) | | |
getLogger | final public static Logger getLogger()(Code) | | convenience access to the preconfigured loger for the
IDL compiler
incActiveParseThreads | public static synchronized void incActiveParseThreads()(Code) | | |
init | protected static void init()(Code) | | allows reinitialization if compiler is not
run from a command-line
init_actions | protected void init_actions()(Code) | | action encapsulation object initializer
openScope | public static void openScope()(Code) | | called from the lexer/scanner whenever a scope opening
symbol is encountered
pack_replace | public static String pack_replace(String old)(Code) | | Package replacements as requested
by compiler options
production_table | public short[][] production_table()(Code) | | access to production table
reduce_table | public short[][] reduce_table()(Code) | | access to reduce_goto table
remove_pending | public static synchronized void remove_pending(String name)(Code) | | |
setFinalString | public static void setFinalString(String finalString)(Code) | | |
setGenerateFinalCode | public static void setGenerateFinalCode(boolean isFinal)(Code) | | |
setInhibitionState | public static void setInhibitionState(boolean flag)(Code) | | |
set_included | public static void set_included(boolean i)(Code) | | |
set_pending | public static synchronized void set_pending(String name)(Code) | | |
start_production | public int start_production()(Code) | | start production
start_state | public int start_state()(Code) | | start state