This class provides the GUIs functionality
communicating with the repository.
author: Nicolas Noffke author: $Id:,v 1.12 2006/06/14 11:54:40 alphonse.bendt Exp $
addServer(String name, String command, String host) Add a server to the repository.
Parameters: name - the servers name. Parameters: command - the servers startup command.
public void
connectTo(String ior_url) Connect the manager to a remote repository.
updateServer(int server_row, String field_name, Object new_value) Update a server in the repository by changes the user made in the server
table of the GUI.
Add a server to the repository.
Parameters: name - the servers name. Parameters: command - the servers startup command. Leave empty (not null)if automatic startup is not desired. Parameters: host - the host the server is running on.
Shut the repository down.
Parameters: wait - true, if ORB should wait for still open connections to beclosed by clients.
public void poaTableForServer(ServerInfo server)(Code)
Set the POA table model to the specific server, i.e.
the POA table displays this servers poas.
Parameters: server - the servers name to build the table for.
Update a server in the repository by changes the user made in the server
table of the GUI.
Parameters: server_row - the row of the server in the table. Parameters: field_name - the columns name. Parameters: new_value - the cells new value.