| org.jacorb.orb.BasicAdapter
BasicAdapter | public class BasicAdapter extends org.omg.ETF._HandleLocalBase implements Configurable(Code) | | Class BasicAdapter, used by the POA.
author: Gerald Brose version: $Id: BasicAdapter.java,v 1.59 2006/07/13 08:57:36 nick.cross Exp $ |
add_input | public boolean add_input(org.omg.ETF.Connection conn)(Code) | | Announces a new connection instance to the ORB.
The caller shall examine the boolean return value and
destroy the connection, if the call returns false.
A new connection initially belongs to the plug-in,
and it shall signal the connection to the ORB when
the first incoming request data was received,
using this Handle upcall.
The Handle shall accept the connection (and cache
information about it if needed), as long as it is
allowed to do so by the ORB. In this case it shall
return true. If a new connection is currently not
allowed, it shall ignore the passed instance and
return false.
closed_by_peer | public void closed_by_peer(org.omg.ETF.Connection conn)(Code) | | In some cases, the client side can initiate the closing of a
connection. The plugin shall signal this event to the server side
ORB via its Handle by calling this function.
configure | public void configure(Configuration myConfiguration) throws ConfigurationException(Code) | | configure the BasicAdapter
getEndpointProfiles | public List getEndpointProfiles()(Code) | | Returns a List of endpoint profiles for all transports that listen
for incoming connections. Each individual profile is a copy and can
safely be modified by the caller (e.g. add an object key, patch the
address, stuff it into an IOR, etc.).
signal_data_available | public void signal_data_available(Connection conn)(Code) | | The plugged-in transport (e.g. the Listener instance) shall call
this function when it owns a server-side Connection and data arrives
on the local endpoint. This will start a new request dispatching
cycle in the ORB. Subsequently, it shall ignore any other incoming
data from this Connection until the Listener's completed_data function
is called by the ORB.
stopListeners | public void stopListeners()(Code) | | |