| org.apache.poi.hssf.eventmodel.TestModelFactory
TestModelFactory | public class TestModelFactory extends TestCase (Code) | | Tests the ModelFactory.
author: Andrew C. Oliver acoliver@apache.org |
Method Summary | |
public static void | main(String[] args) | protected void | setUp() | protected void | tearDown() | public void | testRegisterListener() | public void | testRun() tests that given a simple input stream with one workbook and sheet
that those models are processed and returned. |
TestModelFactory | public TestModelFactory(String arg0)(Code) | | Tests that the listeners collection is created
Parameters: arg0 - |
testRegisterListener | public void testRegisterListener()(Code) | | tests that listeners can be registered
testRun | public void testRun()(Code) | | tests that given a simple input stream with one workbook and sheet
that those models are processed and returned.