Method Summary |
public int | addBSERecord(EscherBSERecord e) |
public NameRecord | addName(NameRecord name) |
public int | addSSTString(UnicodeString string) |
public short | checkExternSheet(int sheetNumber) |
protected Record | createBOF() |
protected Record | createBackup() creates the Backup record with backup set to 0. |
protected Record | createBookBool() creates the BookBool record with saveLinkValues set to 0. |
protected Record | createBoundSheet(int id) create a "bound sheet" or "bundlesheet" (depending who you ask) record
Always sets the sheet's bof to 0. |
public NameRecord | createBuiltInName(byte builtInName, int index) |
public ExtendedFormatRecord | createCellXF() |
protected Record | createCodepage() |
protected Record | createCountry() |
protected Record | createDSF() |
protected Record | createDateWindow1904() creates the DateWindow1904 record with windowing set to 0. |
public void | createDrawingGroup() Creates a drawing group record. |
protected Record | createEOF() |
protected Record | createExtendedFormat(int id) |
protected ExtendedFormatRecord | createExtendedFormat() creates an default cell type ExtendedFormatRecord object. |
protected Record | createExtendedSST() Creates the ExtendedSST record with numstrings per bucket set to 0x8. |
protected ExternSheetRecord | createExternSheet() |
protected Record | createFnGroupCount() creates the FnGroupCount record containing the Magic number constant of 14. |
protected Record | createFont() |
protected Record | createFormat(int id) |
public short | createFormat(String format) Creates a FormatRecord, inserts it, and returns the index code. |
protected Record | createHideObj() creates the HideObj record with hide object set to 0. |
protected Record | createInterfaceEnd() |
protected Record | createInterfaceHdr() |
protected Record | createMMS() |
public NameRecord | createName() |
public FontRecord | createNewFont() creates a new font record and adds it to the "font table". |
protected PaletteRecord | createPalette() |
protected Record | createPassword() creates the Password record with password set to 0. |
protected Record | createPasswordRev4() creates the PasswordRev4 record with password set to 0. |
protected Record | createPrecision() creates the Precision record with precision set to true. |
protected Record | createProtect() creates the Protect record with protect set to false. |
protected Record | createProtectionRev4() creates the ProtectionRev4 record with protect set to false. |
protected Record | createRefreshAll() creates the RefreshAll record with refreshAll set to true. |
protected Record | createSST() |
protected Record | createStyle(int id) Creates a StyleRecord object
Parameters: id - the number of the style record to create (meaning its position ina file as MS Excel would create it. |
protected Record | createTabId() creates the TabId record containing an array of 0,1,2. |
protected Record | createUseSelFS() |
protected Record | createWindowOne() |
protected Record | createWindowProtect() creates the WindowProtect record with protect set to false. |
public static Workbook | createWorkbook(List recs) read support for low level
API. |
public static Workbook | createWorkbook() Creates an empty workbook object with three blank sheets and all the empty
fields. |
protected Record | createWriteAccess() |
public boolean | doesContainsSheetName(String name, int excludeSheetIdx) Determines whether a workbook contains the privided sheet name.
Parameters: name - the name to test Parameters: excludeSheetIdx - the sheet to exclude from the check or -1 to include all sheets in the check. |
public Record | findFirstRecordBySid(short sid) Returns the first occurance of a record matching a particular sid. |
public int | findFirstRecordLocBySid(short sid) Returns the index of a record matching a particular sid. |
public Record | findNextRecordBySid(short sid, int pos) Returns the next occurance of a record matching a particular sid. |
public String | findSheetNameFromExternSheet(short num) |
public EscherBSERecord | getBSERecord(int pictureIndex) |
public BackupRecord | getBackupRecord() Returns the position of the backup record. |
public PaletteRecord | getCustomPalette() Returns the custom palette in use for this workbook; if a custom palette record
does not exist, then it is created. |
public DrawingManager2 | getDrawingManager() |
public ExtendedFormatRecord | getExFormatAt(int index) |
public FileSharingRecord | getFileSharing() |
public FontRecord | getFontRecordAt(int idx) gets the font record at the given index in the font table. |
public short | getFormat(String format, boolean createIfNotFound) Returns a format index that matches the passed in format. |
public ArrayList | getFormats() Returns the list of FormatRecords in the workbook. |
public NameRecord | getNameRecord(int index) |
public int | getNumExFormats() get the number of ExtendedFormat records contained in this workbook. |
public int | getNumNames() |
public int | getNumRecords() |
public int | getNumSheets() returns the number of boundsheet objects contained in this workbook. |
public int | getNumberOfFontRecords() |
public List | getRecords() |
public UnicodeString | getSSTString(int str) |
public int | getSheetIndex(String name) |
public int | getSheetIndexFromExternSheetIndex(int externSheetNumber) Finds the sheet index for a particular external sheet number. |
public String | getSheetName(int sheetnum) gets the name for a given sheet. |
public SheetReferences | getSheetReferences() |
public int | getSize() |
public NameRecord | getSpecificBuiltinRecord(byte name, int sheetIndex) |
public WindowOneRecord | getWindowOne() |
public WriteAccessRecord | getWriteAccess() |
public WriteProtectRecord | getWriteProtect() |
public void | insertSST() use this function to add a Shared String Table to an existing sheet (say
generated by a different java api) without an sst.... |
public boolean | isUsing1904DateWindowing() Whether date windowing is based on 1/2/1904 or 1/1/1900. |
public void | removeBuiltinRecord(byte name, int sheetIndex) |
public void | removeName(int namenum) |
public void | removeSheet(int sheetnum) |
public int | serialize(int offset, byte[] data) Serializes all records int the worksheet section into a big byte array. |
public void | setSheetBof(int sheetnum, int pos) |
public void | setSheetName(int sheetnum, String sheetname) sets the name for a given sheet. |
public void | setSheetName(int sheetnum, String sheetname, short encoding) sets the name for a given sheet forcing the encoding. |
public void | setSheetOrder(String sheetname, int pos) sets the order of appearance for a given sheet. |
public void | unwriteProtectWorkbook() |
public void | writeProtectWorkbook(String password, String username) protect a workbook with a password (not encypted, just sets writeprotect
flags and the password. |