Rich text unicode string. These strings can have fonts applied to
arbitary parts of the string.
author: Glen Stampoultzis (glens at author: Jason Height (jheight at
public void applyFont(int startIndex, int endIndex, short fontIndex)(Code)
Applies a font to the specified characters of a string.
Parameters: startIndex - The start index to apply the font to (inclusive) Parameters: endIndex - The end index to apply the font to (exclusive) Parameters: fontIndex - The font to use.
public void applyFont(int startIndex, int endIndex, HSSFFont font)(Code)
Applies a font to the specified characters of a string.
Parameters: startIndex - The start index to apply the font to (inclusive) Parameters: endIndex - The end index to apply to font to (exclusive) Parameters: font - The index of the font to use.
Returns the font in use at a particular index.
Parameters: index - The index. The font that's currently being applied at thatindex or null if no font is being applied or theindex is out of range.
public short getFontOfFormattingRun(int index)(Code)
Gets the font used in a particular formatting run.
Parameters: index - the index of the formatting run the font number used.
public int getIndexOfFormattingRun(int index)(Code)
The index within the string to which the specified formatting run applies.
Parameters: index - the index of the formatting run the index within the string.