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| org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.TestHSSFSheet
TestHSSFSheet | public class TestHSSFSheet extends TestCase (Code) | | Tests HSSFSheet. This test case is very incomplete at the moment.
author: Glen Stampoultzis (glens at apache.org) author: Andrew C. Oliver (acoliver apache org) |
test35084 | public void test35084()(Code) | | cell with formula becomes null on cloning a sheet
testBackupRecord | public void testBackupRecord() throws Exception(Code) | | Test the gridset field gets set as expected.
testCloneSheet | public void testCloneSheet()(Code) | | |
testCloneSheetMultipleTimes | public void testCloneSheetMultipleTimes()(Code) | | tests that the sheet name for multiple clones of the same sheet is unique
BUG 37416
testDefaultColumnStyle | public void testDefaultColumnStyle()(Code) | | test that new default column styles get applied
testDisplayOptions | public void testDisplayOptions() throws Exception(Code) | | Tests the display of gridlines, formulas, and rowcolheadings.
author: Shawn Laubach (slaubach at apache dot org) |
testHorizontallyCenter | public void testHorizontallyCenter() throws Exception(Code) | | Test horizontally centered output.
testPageBreakFiles | public void testPageBreakFiles() throws Exception(Code) | | Make sure the excel file loads work
testProtect | public void testProtect()(Code) | | Test that the ProtectRecord is included when creating or cloning a sheet
testProtectSheet | public void testProtectSheet()(Code) | | |
testRemoveMerged | public void testRemoveMerged()(Code) | | When removing one merged region, it would break
testRemoveRow | public void testRemoveRow()(Code) | | |
testShiftMerged | public void testShiftMerged()(Code) | | |
testTopRow | public void testTopRow() throws Exception(Code) | | Testing newly added method that exposes the WINDOW2.toprow
parameter to allow setting the toprow in the visible view
of the sheet when it is first opened.
testVerticallyCenter | public void testVerticallyCenter() throws Exception(Code) | | Test vertically centered output.
testWSBool | public void testWSBool()(Code) | | Test WSBboolRecord fields get set in the user model.