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| org.apache.poi.util.TestIntList
TestIntList | public class TestIntList extends TestCase (Code) | | Class to test IntList
author: Marc Johnson |
TestIntList | public TestIntList(String name)(Code) | | Constructor TestIntList
Parameters: name - |
main | public static void main(String[] unused_args)(Code) | | main method to run the unit tests
Parameters: unused_args - |
testAdd | public void testAdd()(Code) | | test the add method
testAddAll | public void testAddAll()(Code) | | test the addAll method
testClear | public void testClear()(Code) | | test the clear method
testConstructors | public void testConstructors()(Code) | | test the various IntListconstructors
testContains | public void testContains()(Code) | | test the contains method
testContainsAll | public void testContainsAll()(Code) | | test the containsAll method
testEquals | public void testEquals()(Code) | | test the equals method
testGet | public void testGet()(Code) | | test the get method
testIndexOf | public void testIndexOf()(Code) | | test the indexOf method
testIsEmpty | public void testIsEmpty()(Code) | | test the isEmpty method
testLastIndexOf | public void testLastIndexOf()(Code) | | test the lastIndexOf method
testRemove | public void testRemove()(Code) | | test the remove method
testRemoveAll | public void testRemoveAll()(Code) | | test the removeAll method
testRemoveValue | public void testRemoveValue()(Code) | | test the removeValue method
testRetainAll | public void testRetainAll()(Code) | | test the retainAll method
testSet | public void testSet()(Code) | | test the set method
testSize | public void testSize()(Code) | | test the size method
testToArray | public void testToArray()(Code) | | test the toArray method