Method Summary |
public void | addCriterion(SimpleLuceneCriterionBean criterion) Adds a Criterion the Bean.
Parameters: criterion - the SimpleLuceneCriterionBean to add to the Bean. |
public Object | clone() |
public String | getBool() Gets the Bean's boolean operator.
the String boolean of the Bean. |
public List | getCriteria() Gets the Bean's criteria.
the List of Bean Query criteria. |
public Date | getDate() Gets the Bean's inception date.
the Date of the Bean. |
public Long | getId() Gets the Bean's ID.
the Long ID of the Bean. |
public String | getName() Gets the Bean's name.
the String name of the Bean. |
public Long | getPage() Gets the Bean's page index
the Long page index of the Bean. |
public Long | getSize() Gets the Bean's page size
the Long page size of the Bean. |
public Long | getTotal() Gets the Bean's hit count.
the Long hit count of the Bean. |
public String | getType() Gets the Bean's type.
the String type of the Bean. |
public String | getUser() Gets the Bean's owner.
the String owner of the Bean. |
public void | removeCriterion(SimpleLuceneCriterionBean criterion) Removes a Criterion from the Bean.
Parameters: criterion - the SimpleLuceneCriterionBean to remove from the Bean. |
public List | search(LuceneCocoonSearcher searcher) Gets the Bean to perform it's query
The searcher specifies which LuceneCocoonSearcher to use for this search.
It needs to have been initialised properly before use.
Each Map in the List returned by this method contains:
- Each stored field from the Index
SCORE_FIELD the Lucene score
INDEX_FIELD the index of the hit
Parameters: searcher - The LuceneCocoonSearcher to use for this search a List of Maps, each representing a Hit. |
public void | setBool(String bool) Sets the Bean's boolean operator.
ie. |
public void | setCriteria(List criteria) Sets the Bean's criteria.
Parameters: criteria - the List of Bean Query criteria. |
public void | setDate(Date date) Sets the Bean's inception date.
Parameters: date - the Date inception date of the Bean. |
public void | setId(Long id) Sets the Bean's ID.
Parameters: id - the Long ID of the Bean. |
public void | setName(String name) Sets the Bean's Name.
Parameters: name - the String name of the Bean. |
public void | setPage(Long page) Sets the Bean's page index.
ie. |
public void | setSize(Long size) Sets the Bean's page size.
ie. |
public void | setTotal(Long total) Sets the Bean's hit count.
Parameters: total - the Long hit count of the Bean. |
public void | setType(String type) Sets the Bean's type.
Parameters: type - the String type of the Bean. |
public void | setUser(String user) Sets the Bean's owner.
Parameters: user - the String owner of the Bean. |