| org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.impl.BaseCachingProcessingPipeline org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.impl.AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.impl.CachingPointProcessingPipeline
CachingPointProcessingPipeline | public class CachingPointProcessingPipeline extends AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline (Code) | | The caching-point pipeline implements an extended caching algorithm which is
of particular benefit for use with those pipelines that utilise cocoon-views
and/or provide drill-down functionality.
since: 2.1 author: Michael Melhem version: CVS $Id: CachingPointProcessingPipeline.java 433543 2006-08-22 06:22:54Z crossley $ |
autoCachingPoint | protected boolean autoCachingPoint(Code) | | |
autoCachingPointSwitch | protected String autoCachingPointSwitch(Code) | | |
nextIsCachePoint | protected boolean nextIsCachePoint(Code) | | |
informBranchPoint | public void informBranchPoint()(Code) | | Determine if the given branch-point is a caching-point. This is called
by sitemap components when using cocoon views; it is also called by
parent nodes (mainly selectors and actions).
Please Note: this method is used by auto caching-point
and is of no consequence when auto caching-point is switched off
See Also: org.apache.cocoon.components.treeprocessor.SimpleParentProcessingNode |
parameterize | public void parameterize(Parameters config) throws ParameterException(Code) | | The CachingPointProcessingPipeline is configurable.
The autoCachingPoint algorithm (if enabled) will automatically cache
common elements of the pipeline currently being processed - as well as the
entire cacheable pipeline according to the "longest cacheable key"
algorithm. This feature is especially useful for pipelines that branch at
some point (this is the case with <map:select> or
The option autoCachingPoint can be switched on/off in the
sitemap.xmap (on by default). For linear pipelines, one can switch "Off"
autoCachingPoint and use attribute
pipeline-hints="caching-point" to manually indicate that certain
pipeline components (eg on <map:generator>) should be
considered as cache points. Both options (automatic at branch points and
manual with pipeline hints) can coexist in the same pipeline.
Works by requesting the pipeline processor to try shorter keys when
looking for a cached content for the pipeline.
recycle | public void recycle()(Code) | | Recyclable Interface
setupFromCacheKey | boolean setupFromCacheKey()(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.impl.AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline | public void addTransformer(String role, String source, Parameters param, Parameters hintParam) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void cacheResults(Environment environment, OutputStream os) throws Exception(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected void connectCachingPipeline(Environment environment) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void connectPipeline(Environment environment) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void generateCachingKey(Environment environment) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean generateLock(Object key)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getKeyForEventPipeline()(Code)(Java Doc) public SourceValidity getValidityForEventPipeline()(Code)(Java Doc) SourceValidity getValidityForInternalPipeline(int index)(Code)(Java Doc) abstract protected ComponentCacheKey newComponentCacheKey(int type, String role, Serializable key)(Code)(Java Doc) public void parameterize(Parameters params) throws ParameterException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processReader(Environment environment) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean processXMLPipeline(Environment environment) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) public void recycle()(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean releaseLock(Object key)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setGenerator(String role, String source, Parameters param, Parameters hintParam) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setReader(String role, String source, Parameters param, String mimeType) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSerializer(String role, String source, Parameters param, Parameters hintParam, String mimeType) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) boolean setupFromCacheKey()(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setupPipeline(Environment environment) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void setupValidities() throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) protected void validatePipeline(Environment environment) throws ProcessingException(Code)(Java Doc) protected boolean waitForLock(Object key)(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from org.apache.cocoon.components.pipeline.impl.BaseCachingProcessingPipeline | public void dispose()(Code)(Java Doc) public void parameterize(Parameters params) throws ParameterException(Code)(Java Doc) public void recycle()(Code)(Java Doc)