| org.apache.cocoon.components.profiler.ProfilerImpl
ProfilerImpl | public class ProfilerImpl extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Profiler,ThreadSafe,Configurable(Code) | | Profiler component implementation. Stores profiler data for
all pipelines.
author: Vadim Gritsenko author: Stephan Michels version: CVS $Id: ProfilerImpl.java 433543 2006-08-22 06:22:54Z crossley $ |
ProfilerImpl | public ProfilerImpl()(Code) | | |
addResult | public void addResult(String uri, ProfilerData data)(Code) | | Add a result for a request.
Parameters: uri - URI of the request Parameters: data - Result of the profiling |
clearResult | public void clearResult(Object key)(Code) | | Remove the specified result.
clearResults | public void clearResults()(Code) | | Clear the results.
configure | public void configure(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException(Code) | | Pass the Configuration to the Configurable class. This method must
always be called after the constructor and before any other method.
Parameters: configuration - the class configurations. |
getResult | public ProfilerResult getResult(Object key)(Code) | | Returns a result of a specifed key.
Parameters: key - Key of the result. Result of the profiling |
getResultKeys | public Collection getResultKeys()(Code) | | Returns a collection of all keys
Keys of all results. |
getResults | public Collection getResults()(Code) | | Returns a collection of the results.
Collection of results. |