| This
org.apache.excalibur.source.SourceFactory SourceFactory creates
org.apache.excalibur.source.Source Source s for the javadoc: URI scheme.
The goal for this SourceFactory is to provide a Source
for a Java sourcefile containing as much information as possible to mimic the
standard Javadoc output.
The Source provides the following content:
- Classname
- Superclass
- Imports, including
java.lang and the class' package
- Implemented interfaces
- Inner classes/interfaces, including superclass, implemented interfaces and
Javadoc (inner classes can be requested separately)
- Fields, including type, name and Javadoc
- Constructors, including parameters with their types and names, signature,
Javadoc and thrown exceptions
- Methods, including returntype, parameters, signature, Javadoc and thrown
- Inheritance tree for each Class member, if needed
- Private members, if needed
With this SourceFactory , you create Doclets with XSLT stylesheets
instead of Java code.
The QDoxSourceFactory uses QDox
to parse the Java sourcefiles.
author: Bart Guijt version: CVS $Id: QDoxSourceFactory.java 433543 2006-08-22 06:22:54Z crossley $ |