| org.apache.cocoon.components.source.impl.RepositorySource
RepositorySource | public class RepositorySource extends AbstractLogEnabled implements Source,ModifiableTraversableSource,InspectableSource(Code) | | Source wrapper that enhances the wrapped sources with additional capabilities.
Currently this Source optionally adds inspectability
through the InspectableSource interface.
Wrapped sources must implement ModifiableTraversableSource.
m_delegate | final ModifiableTraversableSource m_delegate(Code) | | |
RepositorySource | public RepositorySource(String prefix, ModifiableTraversableSource delegate, SourceDescriptor descriptor, Logger logger) throws SourceException(Code) | | |
delete | public void delete() throws SourceException(Code) | | |
exists | public boolean exists()(Code) | | |
getChild | public Source getChild(String name) throws SourceException(Code) | | |
getContentLength | public long getContentLength()(Code) | | |
getLastModified | public long getLastModified()(Code) | | |
getParent | public Source getParent() throws SourceException(Code) | | |
getSourceProperties | public SourceProperty[] getSourceProperties() throws SourceException(Code) | | Get all source properties that are defined on the wrapped source.
If the wrapped source is itself an InspectableSource the implementation
will return the aggregate set that results from combining the properties
returned from a delegate call to the wrapped source with the
properties returned by the source descriptor.
getSourceProperty | public SourceProperty getSourceProperty(String uri, String name) throws SourceException(Code) | | Get the source property on the wrapped source. If the wrapped source implements
InspectableSource the implementation will first try to get it from there.
If it doesn't exist on the delegate it will try to find it using the source descriptor.
getValidity | public SourceValidity getValidity()(Code) | | Return a SourceValidity object describing
the validity of this Source.
If the SourceDescriptor service is present, the resulting
validity is an aggregated validity object containing both
the validity describing the source itself _and_ one describing
the validity of the SourceProperties managed by the SourceDescriptor.
isCollection | public boolean isCollection()(Code) | | |
makeCollection | public void makeCollection() throws SourceException(Code) | | |
refresh | public void refresh()(Code) | | |
removeSourceProperty | public void removeSourceProperty(String uri, String name) throws SourceException(Code) | | Remove the source property on the wrapped source. If the wrapped source implements
InspectableSource the implementation will try to remove the property on both
the wrapped source directly and on the source descriptor.
setSourceProperty | public void setSourceProperty(SourceProperty property) throws SourceException(Code) | | Set the source property on the wrapped source. If the wrapped source implements
InspectableSource set the property directly on the wrapped source. Otherwise
set it on the SourceDescriptor.