| java.lang.Object org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.java.AbstractContinuable org.apache.cocoon.forms.flow.java.FormInstance
FormInstance | public FormInstance(String uri)(Code) | | Create a form, given the URI of its definition file
FormInstance | public FormInstance(String definitionFile, String bindingFile)(Code) | | Create a form, given the URI of its definition file, the
binding file.
FormInstance | public FormInstance(Element formDefinition)(Code) | | Create a form of an fd:form element in the form of a org.w3c.dom.Element
createBinding | public void createBinding(String bindingURI)(Code) | | |
getChild | public Widget getChild(String name)(Code) | | Get a Widget (the java object) from the form.
If name is undefined, the form widget itself is returned.
Otherwise, the form's child widget of name name is returned.
removeAttribute | public void removeAttribute(String name)(Code) | | |
show | public void show(String uri)(Code) | | Returns the bookmark continuation associated with this form, or undefined
if setBookmark() has not been called.
show | public void show(String uri, Object bizData)(Code) | | Manages the display of a form and its validation.
This uses some additionnal propertied on the form object :
- "locale" : the form locale (default locale is used if not set)
- "validator" : additional validation function. This function receives
the form object as parameter and should return a boolean indicating
if the form handling is finished (true) or if the form should be
redisplayed again (false)
On return, the calling code can check some properties to know the form result :
- "isValid" : true if the form was sucessfully validated
- "submitId" : the id of the widget that triggered the form submit (can be null)
Parameters: uri - the page uri (like in cocoon.sendPageAndWait()) Parameters: bizData - some business data for the view (like in cocoon.sendPageAndWait()).The "{FormsPipelineConfig.CFORMSKEY}" and "locale" properties are added to this object. |