Builder for
CalculatedField s.
A common calculated field definition is as follows :
<fd:calculatedfield id="id" [state="{invisible|output|disabled|active}"]>
<fd:datatype base="...">...</fd:datatype>
<fd:value type="...">...</fd:algorithm>
Since it inherits from
org.apache.cocoon.forms.formmodel.Field ,
other attributes and elements may be specified, like listeners (on-value-changed, on-create etc..) or
selection lists (which could make sense if the algorithm calculates one value between many possibilities).
Note that the default state is active, althought typing in a calculated field is useless. The state invisible
can be used to create fields which are used as temporary value placeholders in a chain of calculations.
version: $Id: 449149 2006-09-23 03:58:05Z crossley $ |