| java.lang.Object org.apache.cocoon.ojb.components.ConnectionFactoryImpl
ConnectionFactoryImpl | public class ConnectionFactoryImpl implements Component,ThreadSafe,Serviceable,Disposable,ConnectionFactory(Code) | | OJB ConnectionFactory implemenation to bridge into the Avalon DataSource
connection pooling component defined in the Cocoon configuration.
This class has two faces to it:
- Avalon Component
- Instance of the class created and managed by Avalon container.
When instance is initialized, it looks up datasource components
service selector.
- OJB Managed Class
- Instances of the class are created and managed by OJB, as defined
in the OJB
repository.xml file. Each OJB managed instance
of the class will have access to the datasource components service
selector initialized by Avalon managed instance of the class.
It is important that Avalon component is initialized before any access
to OJB API is made.
author: giacomo at apache.org author: Vadim Gritsenko version: $Id: ConnectionFactoryImpl.java 433543 2006-08-22 06:22:54Z crossley $ |
ConnectionFactoryImpl | public ConnectionFactoryImpl()(Code) | | Default constructor
ConnectionFactoryImpl | public ConnectionFactoryImpl(JdbcConnectionDescriptor conDesc)(Code) | | OJB 1.1 constructor
dispose | public void dispose()(Code) | | |
getActiveConnections | public int getActiveConnections()(Code) | | |
getIdleConnections | public int getIdleConnections()(Code) | | |
lookupConnection | public Connection lookupConnection() throws LookupException(Code) | | |
lookupConnection | public Connection lookupConnection(JdbcConnectionDescriptor conDesc) throws LookupException(Code) | | |
releaseAllResources | public void releaseAllResources()(Code) | | |
releaseConnection | public void releaseConnection(JdbcConnectionDescriptor conDesc, Connection connection)(Code) | | |
service | public void service(ServiceManager manager) throws ServiceException(Code) | | |