doLoad(Widget frmModel, JXPathContext jxpc) Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and
narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context
before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
public void
doSave(Widget frmModel, JXPathContext jxpc) Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and
narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context
before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
public void doLoad(Widget frmModel, JXPathContext jxpc)(Code)
Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and
narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context
before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.
Narrows the scope on the form-model to the member widget-field, and
narrows the scope on the object-model to the member xpath-context
before continuing the binding over the child-bindings.