| |
| java.lang.Object org.apache.cocoon.woody.formmodel.AbstractWidget org.apache.cocoon.woody.formmodel.Messages
Messages | public class Messages extends AbstractWidget (Code) | | A widget to output one or messages. This widget doesn't respond to input from the user, except
that on each form submit the messages are cleared.
This widget is typically used to communicate extra validation errors or other messages
to the user, that aren't associated with any other widget in particular.
version: $Id: Messages.java 433543 2006-08-22 06:22:54Z crossley $ |
addMessage | public void addMessage(String message)(Code) | | Adds a string message.
addMessage | public void addMessage(XMLizable message)(Code) | | Adds a message in the form an object that implements the XMLizable interface.
This allows to add messages that produce mixed content. The XMLizable should
only generate a SAX fragment, i.e. without start/endDocument calls.
A useful implementation is
org.apache.cocoon.woody.util.I18nMessage I18nMesage .