getAccreditable(String elementName, String id) Creates an accredtiable for an element.
Parameters: elementName - The elment name. Parameters: id - The ID of the accreditable.
save(Accreditable accreditable, NamespaceHelper helper) Saves an accreditable to an XML element.
Parameters: accreditable - The accreditable. Parameters: helper - The namespace helper to be used.
Builds a policy from an input stream.
Parameters: stream - The input stream to read the policy from. A policy. throws: AccessControlException - when something went wrong.
Creates an accredtiable for an element.
Parameters: elementName - The elment name. Parameters: id - The ID of the accreditable. An accreditable. throws: AccessControlException - when something went wrong.
Saves an accreditable to an XML element.
Parameters: accreditable - The accreditable. Parameters: helper - The namespace helper to be used. An XML element. throws: AccessControlException - when something went wrong.
Saves a policy to an XML document.
Parameters: policy - The policy to save. A DOM document. throws: AccessControlException - when something went wrong.