| java.lang.Object org.apache.lenya.cms.linking.ServletLinkRewriter org.apache.lenya.cms.linking.OutgoingLinkRewriter
OutgoingLinkRewriter | public class OutgoingLinkRewriter extends ServletLinkRewriter (Code) | |
Converts web application links to links which will be sent to the browser by using the
publication's proxy settings. If the current request is SSL-encrypted, all link URLs will use the
SSL proxy.
Objects of this class are not thread-safe.
Constructor Summary | |
public | OutgoingLinkRewriter(ServiceManager manager, Session session, String requestUrl, boolean ssl, boolean considerSslPolicies, boolean relativeUrls) Parameters: manager - The service manager to use. Parameters: session - The current session. Parameters: requestUrl - The request URL where the links should be rewritten. Parameters: ssl - If the current page is SSL-encrypted. Parameters: considerSslPolicies - If the SSL protection of policies should be considered whenresolving the corresponding proxy. |
OutgoingLinkRewriter | public OutgoingLinkRewriter(ServiceManager manager, Session session, String requestUrl, boolean ssl, boolean considerSslPolicies, boolean relativeUrls)(Code) | | Parameters: manager - The service manager to use. Parameters: session - The current session. Parameters: requestUrl - The request URL where the links should be rewritten. Parameters: ssl - If the current page is SSL-encrypted. Parameters: considerSslPolicies - If the SSL protection of policies should be considered whenresolving the corresponding proxy. Setting this to true leads to asubstantial performance overhead. Parameters: relativeUrls - If relative URLs should be created. |
generateUpDots | protected String generateUpDots(int length)(Code) | | |
hasArea | protected boolean hasArea(Publication pub, String area)(Code) | | Checks if a publication has an area by using a cache for performance reasons.
Parameters: pub - The publication. Parameters: area - The area name. if the publication contains the area. |
rewriteLink | protected String rewriteLink(String linkUrl, Publication pub, boolean ssl)(Code) | | Parameters: linkUrl - The original link URL. Parameters: pub - The publication to use for proxy resolving. Parameters: ssl - If the URL uses SSL. A link URL. |
Fields inherited from org.apache.lenya.cms.linking.ServletLinkRewriter | protected ServiceManager manager(Code)(Java Doc)
Methods inherited from org.apache.lenya.cms.linking.ServletLinkRewriter | protected String getContextPath()(Code)(Java Doc)